Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) on Assembly Suspending Cuomo Impeachment

Senator Jim Tedisco

August 13, 2021

“The actions of the leadership of the Assembly can only be described as a miscarriage of justice for the toxic environment he created and the 15,000 New Yorkers who died in nursing homes from COVID-19 that he tried to cover-up so he could make $5.1 million from a book deal.”

“The tragedy is he can deny and deny and say goodbye by resigning from office in the manner of his choosing without ever being impeached and held accountable for his actions which the Attorney General said amounted to breaking state and federal laws.”

“If the Majority in the Judiciary Committee had done its job months ago, Cuomo would have already been impeached and removed from office and my Senate colleagues would have been able to ban him from ever running or holding public office again in New York State.”

“It’s a sad commentary that even in his final days as Governor, Andrew Cuomo has been able to roll the Majority in the Legislature and make them his lapdog.”