Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) on Breaking News of FBI, U.S. Attorney’s Investigation into the Cuomo Nursing Home Cover-up
Senator Jim Tedisco
February 17, 2021

“Breaking news tonight by the Times Union that the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn is investigating the Cuomo Administration’s cover-up of the deaths of about 15,000 New Yorkers in state-regulated nursing homes is welcome news that I hope will help get to the bottom of this deadly scandal and start the process of bringing closure to families who lost their loved ones to the coronavirus.”
“This was never about politics as some things, like the deaths of 15,000 nursing home residents, rise above politics. Given this federal investigation into the Cuomo Administration, the legislature should revoke the Governor’s emergency powers as there’s bi-partisan agreement among Democrats and Republicans who believe we should restore the legislature’s role as an equal branch of government. This must be the top legislative priority when we reconvene on Monday afternoon as Cuomo can no longer be trusted with his ‘Emperor-like’ powers.”
“Once we take Cuomo’s powers away, the legislature should send our own subpoenas to the Administration to begin a state investigation of the nursing home cover-up or pass my legislation with Assemblyman Ron Kim for a bi-partisan, independent investigation of the nursing home scandal.”
“If the facts demonstrate a cover-up and obstruction of justice, and they certainly seem to with the drip, drip, drip of new information revealed on a daily basis, then Governor Cuomo must resign or face impeachment and removal from office.”
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