Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) on the Resignation of SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras

Senator Jim Tedisco

December 9, 2021

“The State University of New York is a world-class system for higher education and deserves a world class leader at its helm. Unfortunately, there was never a real ‘national search’ for a world class leader to serve as SUNY Chancellor. Instead, former Governor Cuomo installed one of his top sycophant enablers with little academic experience who was part of the toxic workplace environment in the Executive Chamber. Jim Malatras brought that toxic environment to SUNY and should never have been appointed SUNY Chancellor in the first place, and he should have been one of the first people our new governor asked to resign when she ascended to the top job a few months ago. Now that Malatras is out, it’s time for a real national search to find the most qualified leader for SUNY and turn the page from this dysfunction to help our state university system become the envy of the world.”