Tedisco Calls for Immediate Implementation of Nursing Home Caregiver Law

Senator Jim Tedisco

March 30, 2021

Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) today announced he is introducing new legislation to allow for the immediate implementation of the newly signed Personal Caregiver Law that will enable nursing home residents to designate two loved ones to serve as personal caregivers.

Unfortunately, the Personal Caregiver legislation, which was signed into law by the Governor last night, does not go into effect for another 45 days, further delaying the ability of families to end the isolation and safely visit their loved ones in nursing homes. 

Senator Tedisco, who co-sponsored the law, has been calling for its passage for months and has blasted the Governor and Majority’s delay tactics in moving it forward to the detriment of nursing home residents and their families.  The measure languished in the legislature until the Senate passed it on February 22nd. The Assembly did not take it up for passage until March 3rd.  The Senate Majority then held the bill for two weeks before sending it to the Governor’s desk on March 17th. Unfortunately, now people must wait another six weeks for it to take effect.

 “I am putting in legislation to eliminate the 45-day waiting period for the Personal Caregiver Act to take effect, because there’s no need to make people wait six more weeks to safely visit their loved ones in nursing homes and so we can help end the forced isolation. Loved ones have to get into the nursing homes to provide the love, care and compassion that residents need,” said Senator Jim Tedisco. 

“Waiting another 45 days for that to happen is unacceptable! Even a shorter compromise, if necessary, is better than making our most vulnerable citizens and their loved ones wait until mid-May to restore compassionate visits,” said Senator Tedisco.