Tedisco: If Captain Kirk Can Go into Space, Why Not Gloversville Students?
Senator Jim Tedisco
October 28, 2021

Space, the final frontier! These are the voyages of the Gloversville High-Altitude Achievement Club, Innovative Test Solutions of Schenectady and Teachers in Space!!!
Today, Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) joined students from the Gloversville High-Altitude Achievement Club, Innovative Test Solutions, and the Teachers in Space Program for their test of an educational satellite at the ITS Test Lab in Schenectady. The new educational satellite will be launched into orbit as part of the Teachers in Space program and allow experiments designed by Gloversville High School students to be conducted in outer space.
Senator Tedisco presented the Gloversville Students with New York State Senate Certificates of Merit.
In addition to the satellite testing, ITS will conduct a half-day educational program to demonstrate materials testing to students as the company continues to foster an interest in engineering and STEM education.
"If Captain Kirk (aka William Shatner) can go up to space, why not our Gloversville students? The sky’s the limit now! I was proud to honor the students for their participation in this innovative program and their pursuit of science and technology with New York State Senate Certificates of Merit," said Senator Tedisco.