Tedisco: The Most Dangerous Governor in America Is Getting a New Lease on His “Emperor-like” Power

Senator Jim Tedisco

March 5, 2021

Statement by Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville)

“Given all we know about the mindset of Andrew Cuomo and the sickening corruption in his administration that we are learning about on a daily basis, for the Senate and Assembly Majority to give the most dangerous and powerful governor in America a new lease on his power is just mind boggling.”

“Prior to today’s expected passage of legislation crafted by Governor Cuomo, the Senate Majority and Assembly Majority, the Governor’s vast emergency powers to respond to the pandemic were set to sunset on April 30th.  

“This fake repeal bill, which I am voting against, does nothing to eliminate or modify King Cuomo’s emperor-like powers and actually extends them indefinitely, giving the Governor more control to decide when his powers should be over.”

“The last time someone had this much control over the daily lives of New Yorkers, they wore the Crown in England.”

“Under this new law, the Governor’s nearly 100 executive orders stay in place and he will be able to amend and expand them with partisan notification to just the Democratic leaders in the Senate and Assembly, who will only be able to comment on them with no notification to Senate and Assembly Minorities. Somehow my colleagues in the majority have decided not to stand up and be that check and balance that we were duly elected to be as representatives.” 

“Rest assured, I will continue to stand up and speak out on my own without getting the Governor’s stamp of approval, as I’ve done with the nursing home issue, his bullying and harassment of New Yorkers, and the vaccine rollout which has been a nightmare.”

"All New Yorkers have to know about the Majority's sham of saying the bill they are passing today takes away Cuomo's emergency powers is that tomorrow after the Governor signs it, he will be able to once again mandate putting Covid-positive patients in nursing homes. It's shameful."