Tedisco on New Eviction Moratorium Extension: Just More of the Same Kicking the Can Down the Road with No Incentive for Tenants to Work with Property Owners to Expedite Rent Payment

Senator Jim Tedisco

September 1, 2021

We care about tenants and appreciate and understand the challenges faced by those who rent during this pandemic. The ‘mom and pop’ small business owners who rent out housing are also in harm’s way economically as there’s a potential they’ll be out of business due to a lack of revenue. If our small property owners go out of business, that negatively impacts the renters as well as there won’t be enough affordable housing stock available.”

“As in the past, this extension of the eviction moratorium does nothing to incentivize tenants to work with property owners to get involved and do their required part under the law to expedite rent payments to protect tenants and make property owners whole.  Unfortunately, this bill just kicks the can down the road without solving the problem.” 

That’s why New York needs a ‘moratorium’ on ‘elected officials’ who make laws to pass one group’s financial burden on to another! The majorities in the state legislature and governor should immediately release the $2.6 billion of federal aid available for landlord and tenant relief in an easily accessible way – something this moratorium extension does not do!” 

“I am sponsoring legislation (S.5629) to help small property owners with a rental assistance loan-to-grant program to help them cover missed rental payments. These small property owners live on the margins and many are on the verge of bankruptcy. The moratorium that continues to be passed designates that renters are supposed to pay back the money they owe.” 

“Under my loan-to-grant bill, if the tenants pay their back rent, which they're responsible for under the present law and deferment they have, then the property owners would simply repay the state. If the tenant never pays the rent, then the loan turns into a grant like the federal pandemic assistance program for small businesses, thus property owners would be held harmless.”