Tedisco, Walsh & Koetzle to NYS DOT: “3 Glenridge Road Bridge Strikes in November & You’re Out for Failing to Protect the Public”

Senator Jim Tedisco

November 8, 2021

Another day, another bridge strike at the Glenridge Road rail overpass bridge in Glenville.  In fact, there were two bridge strikes today within 20 minutes – three bridge strikes total so far in November!

In July, a Glenridge Road bridge strike sent a resident to the hospital.

Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville), Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C-Ballston) and Glenville Supervisor Chris Koetzle today are calling on Governor Kathy Hochul to personally get involved so the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) and CP Rail finally intervenes and takes significant steps to protect the public and our tax dollars from further truck bridge strikes on this state road.

There have been over 100 bridge strikes and turnarounds from trucks that almost got caught in the bridge causing traffic jams in recent years on the state road.  This has cost Glenville taxpayers well over $50,000 for police, fire, and highway personnel response.  

“It’s outrageous. Two Glenridge Road bridge strikes in 20 minutes and three so far this month. In July, a resident was sent to the hospital because of one of these bridge strikes. Enough is enough! We have met with the DOT and CP Rail and told the state over and over these Glenridge Road bridge strikes not only impact our local economy but are a clear and present danger to our residents,” said Senator Jim Tedisco. “At this point, the leadership at the DOT are just giving us lip service that something significant will be done to mitigate these bridge strikes. It’s time for Governor Hochul to personally get involved and directly intervene before there is a significant injury or loss of life.”

“Part of our jobs as legislators is to cut through red tape to get solutions for the communities that we represent. Unfortunately, despite our repeated efforts to collaborate with CP Rail and the New York State Department of Transportation to mitigate the repeated bridge strikes on Glenridge Road, we continue to be faced with obstacles,” said Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh. If the current situation wasn’t so serious, it would be laughable. However, we’re worried about how this is a very real danger that puts our constituents’ safety at risk. It’s time for the state to either take immediate action or allow the Town of Glenville to move forward with one of the many proposed solutions that they have developed on their own.”

“How many more hits do we have to endure before DOT and CP Rail do something? This is well beyond the point of waiting for studies to be complete. I am confident that between the state and the rail company, we have the engineers to figure this out now. They are putting people in danger. Fix this now,” said Glenville Town Supervisor Chris Koetzle.