Senator Ramos on Passage of Super Majority's One-House Budget

Jessica Ramos

March 15, 2021

QUEENS, NY — “The COVID-19 pandemic hit New York hard. So many in our district and beyond are grieving their loved ones, while struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. This proposed budget highlights the Senate Majority Leader, Conference, and staff's unwavering commitment to ensuring we center the needs of those who need support the most. The one-house budget contains some long overdue wins for New Yorkers I am proud to have helped champion including: 

  • A $2.1 billion fund for workers in our communities, including undocumented and formerly incarcerated populations, that have been excluded from any form of relief for over a year.
  • A housing access voucher program that will keep more New Yorkers housed permanently regardless of immigration status.
  • Relief for our small businesses with targeted efforts and investments in minority and women-owned businesses to support recovery and growth.
  • Funding for our agricultural communities that will preserve farmland for first-generation farmers and increase downstate access to New York grown produce.
  • A financial commitment to fully fund our public schools and set a timeline to pay out the state’s long ignored foundation aid obligations.


Read the Senate Majority release.

While I believe this one-house budget takes many steps forward, we must continue fighting to right the systemic wrongs that left our most marginalized communities vulnerable in the first place. That begins and ends with how our State raises revenue. To correct the decades of disinvestment in our communities, we cannot shy away from taxing our ultra-rich neighbors. We need to rewrite New York’s social contract so we can make meaningful investments in the resources and services New Yorkers need to thrive in the state they call home.”
