Statement On Governor Cuomo From Senator Mario R. Mattera
March 11, 2021

It is with deep thought and reflection that I today call on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign from his post for the good of New York State. If he refuses to resign, the Assembly and the Senate must move forward with impeachment proceedings. While I did not come to this decision lightly, the time has come for new leadership so that all elected officials can return to doing the work our residents need without the numerous distractions that have plagued our state recently.
As a husband and a father, the continual unveiling of new sexual assault allegations – now sexual abuse - against Governor Cuomo are simply appalling. Equally important, his administration’s admitted altering of data and misdirection regarding our state’s nursing homes are simply unacceptable. These controversies are truly impeding the optimal function of our government and we must act immediately so that we can recover from the ongoing crisis.
Governor Cuomo himself has publicly called for other public officials to resign when faced with similar allegations so that the work of the people – which is our sole reason for holding elected office – can continue and that is what I am calling on him to do today for the good of all New Yorkers.
The time is now to allow Lieutenant Governor Hochul to lead our state so we can move forward together.