Statement From Senator Mattera On Nursing Home Issue

Today's story in the New York Post entitled "Cuomo Aide Melissa DeRosa Admits They Hid Nursing Home Data So feds Wouldn’t Find Out" - if accurate - is disturbing and unacceptable.  And every single New Yorker deserves to know the absolute truth about what has transpired.  More importantly, the families of those who lost loved ones need to know every detail of what happened and they deserve closure to their personal tragedy.

There now is no doubt that we need a truly independent investigation into this issue.  Transparency is so essential - especially in times like these - so the people we serve can trust we are working for them.

If what has been reported in the New York Post is true, this was a political decision that impacted families in our state and that is a terrible betrayal of the most fundamental trust our residents put in their elected officials.  And I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to restore that faith.

Please click here to read the New York Post story on this issue: