Senate Passes Deputy Leader Gianaris’ Bill Mandating A Consumer Advocate On The Public Service Commission
February 23, 2021

ALBANY – Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris announced the State Senate passed his legislation (S.1199) mandating a consumer advocate have a voting seat on the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC).
Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris said, "Too often the Public Service Commission serves the industries it regulates rather than the public. A voice for consumers on the PSC would be a powerful step to move things in the right direction. I am glad the Senate passed my bill to require exactly that.”
Assembly Member Catalina Cruz, who sponsors the bill in the Assembly said, “New York's consumers need regulators who represent their interests, not their utility companies. This legislation will ensure there's a vote for ratepayers at the table. I thank Senator Gianaris for passing this legislation in the Senate as we will work together to deliver for New York's consumers.”
The PSC is comprised of five members. The board regulates telecommunications, electricity, steam, natural gas, and water service delivery. Senator Gianaris has been active on PSC reform, authoring other measures including requiring specific qualifications for Commission members.