Senator Hinchey, Legislator Heppner, and Supervisor McKenna Applaud DOT Decision to Lower Speed Limit on Portion of Glasco Turnpike
September 16, 2021

WOODSTOCK, NY – After much advocacy from Senator Michelle Hinchey, Woodstock Town Supervisor Bill McKenna, and Ulster County Legislature Majority Leader Jonathan Heppner, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) will reduce the speed limit to 35 MPH on Glasco Turnpike (County Road 33) between Upper Byrdcliff and Rock City Road in the Town of Woodstock.
The heavily trafficked road has become a major safety concern for local residents, pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists, prompting the Town Board of Woodstock, with the support of Legislator Heppner, to unanimously pass a required resolution requesting the speed limit change in June. The Town received final approval this week by NYS DOT after a formal speed limit investigation concluded that a speed reduction on this portion of the roadway would be an appropriate intervention to improve motorist and pedestrian safety. Senator Hinchey’s office worked closely with NYS DOT to encourage the study’s completion and final result.
Senator Michelle Hinchey said, “Improving the safety and livability of our local roads so they can be shared and enjoyed by all is a top priority — one that Woodstock residents and Town officials have been pushing for for years in regard to Glasco Turnpike. My office has been proud to advocate alongside community members, Supervisor Bill McKenna, and Ulster County Legislature Majority Leader Jonathan Heppner to necessitate this critical speed limit change on Glasco Turnpike, which will help slow drivers down and make it safer for those who live and travel through our beautiful area. We all want to live in a safe community, and my office will continue to advocate that the speed limit reduction is extended to the whole of Glasco Turnpike.”
Ulster County Legislature Majority Leader Jonathan Heppner said, “Ensuring the public safety of Woodstock residents will always be a paramount priority. Lowering the speed limit on this section of the Glasco Turnpike will improve safety for neighbors, motorists and those of us who enjoy a good walk. My late and beloved grandmother, Jane Allen, was a fierce advocate on this issue and many others from her home on Glasco, and I’m proud to say we haven’t stopped. We will continue to advocate for safe streets throughout the community. I’m proud to have partnered with Woodstock residents along with Senator Michelle Hinchey and Supervisor Bill McKenna to achieve this victory for our town.”
Woodstock Town Supervisor Bill McKenna said, “With the growing pressures on our community, it is more critical than ever for officials on all levels to work together. I am thankful to Legislator Jonathan Heppner and Senator Michelle Hinchey for all their efforts; I could not ask for better partners in governing.”
Woodstock resident Linda Lover said, “As local residents, we appreciate the efforts of Bill McKenna (our town supervisor), who introduced the resolution to the DOT and County in order to have the lower speed limit studied. We also are grateful to Jonathan Heppner, who worked closely with Bill and Senator Michelle Hinchey, to expedite this process. They never wavered in making sure the process didn't get overlooked. These are folks who truly care about the safety and welfare of our town.”