Senator Michelle Hinchey, Senate Transportation Chair Tim Kennedy, and Greene County Officials Announce Record Funding in NYS Budget for Local Infrastructure
April 28, 2021

COXSACKIE, NY – Senator Michelle Hinchey joined Senate Transportation Chair Senator Tim Kennedy, local highway officials, and legislative leaders on Wednesday to announce that Greene County and its municipalities will receive more than $6.3 million in state funding for local road repairs and maintenance as part of the 2021-2022 State Budget, marking a 33% increase in infrastructure funding compared to last year’s budget allotment.
Hinchey was a strong advocate for increased infrastructure spending through key programs, including the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS), PAVE-NY, and Extreme Winter Recovery (EWR), which are critical for revenue-constrained municipalities to maintain roads, particularly given the impacts of severe weather events. Overall, CHIPS funding will increase by $100 million--a program that hasn’t had an increase since 2013. Extreme Winter Recovery will see an increase of $35 million (a 53.8% increase compared to last year) and PAVE-NY will receive an additional $50 million (a 50% increase over the previous year’s budget).
“Reliable infrastructure is the bedrock of community safety, economic development, and job creation in upstate New York, and I’m proud that we were able to significantly bolster New York’s investment in our local transportation systems through this year’s State Budget,” said Senator Michelle Hinchey. “Greene County communities will see over $6.3 million dollars in state aid for urgent and long-term infrastructure needs--a record 33% more compared to last year’s budget. One of our most important programs, CHIPS, will experience its first increase in nearly a decade, which is deeply needed in our upstate communities. Our local highway departments are out in all elements, working to keep our rapidly deteriorating and aging infrastructure functional for all of us--for our first responders rushing to emergencies, for families and school buses bringing kids to school, and for increased commerce into our small businesses. These local investments are critical to moving us forward from this pandemic while ensuring that the costs of upgrades and repairs do not fall on already stressed taxpayers.”
“As Chair of the New York State Senate Transportation Committee, I’ve personally toured thousands of roadways statewide, and I’ve seen firsthand the severely deteriorated state of our major thoroughfares. In fact, a recent report from TRIP found that throughout New York, nearly half of major locally and state-maintained roads are in poor or mediocre condition, which underscores just how important it was for us to secure this money,” said Senator Tim Kennedy. “We know our infrastructure is essential to a thriving economy, and as we continue to Build Back Better from the COVID-19 pandemic, true, substantial investment is critical. I'm proud to announce this record funding alongside Senator Michelle Hinchey for Greene County, because I know it will have a direct impact on improving roads that residents rely on every day.”
Scott Templeton, Greene County Highway Superintendent, said, “I would like to thank Senator Hinchey for her strong support in advocating for Local Roads which are critical to our local economy. Local roads and bridges account for eighty-seven (87%) of NYS roads, and more than half of its bridges. Greene County along with our 14 Towns and 5 Villages have been lobbying for many years for an increase in infrastructure spending. After a year of shut downs, staff restrictions, funding reductions and a major storm event causing over $1.5M in damage to our infrastructure this additional funding is greatly needed.”
Pat Linger, Chairman of the Greene County Legislature, said, “It's always a challenge to fund the necessary maintenance of our roadways to ensure the safety of our traveling public. Last year, we took a double hit with the reduction in this funding from the State and extreme damages caused during the early Christmas morning storm. These funds will help our efforts immensely as we reopen our $194 million Tourism economy. Greene County is very grateful for Senator Hinchey's efforts to advocate for the restoration of these funds in this year’s State budget.”
John Farrell, President of the Greene County Highway Association, said, “The CHIPS funding is very important to our small rural communities and helping us keep up with the maintenance of our local roads. The local roads make up 87% of New York’s roads. This is the first increase in CHIPS in 9 years and it couldn’t have come at a better time with the rising cost of materials that we use.”
Larry Ross, Coxsackie Highway Superintendent, said, “The more money we get the more roads we can pave. Thanks to Senator Hinchey we in Coxsackie will be able to pave more miles than would otherwise have been possible.”
Rick Hanse, Coxsackie Town Supervisor, said, “Senator Hinchey has zeroed in on the needs of rural towns in upstate New York. Since taking office she has been working with the Town of Coxsackie, and has secured the assistance of other State agencies to address quality of life issues that will benefit some of our most vulnerable residents. She has been instrumental in increasing State funding for our road system and is working to secure funding to upgrade a deteriorating sewer line.”
Infrastructure spending included in the 2021-2022 State Budget for Greene County and its municipalities is as follows:
Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS)
- 2020/2021 Budget: $3,447,203
- 2021/2022 Budget: $4,330,529
- PAVE-NY Funds
- 2020/2021 Budget: $768,858
- 2021/2022 Budget: $1,180,404
- Extreme Winter Recovery Funds
- 2020/2021 Budget: $573,942
- 2021/2022 Budget: $882,991
- Total Change in Funding:
- 2020/2021 Budget: $4,790,003
- 2021/2022 Budget: $6,393,924
All Greene County towns will receive an increase in both CHIPS and EWR funding. Below are the increases to be received by each municipality:
Municipality |
21/22 CHIPS $ Change |
21/22 CHIPS % Change |
21/22 EWR $ change |
21/22 EWR % change |
Town of Ashland |
$11,678 |
26.55% |
$4,087 |
53.85% |
Town of Athens |
$21,777 |
29.77% |
$7,623 |
53.85% |
Town of Cairo |
$57,364 |
29.14% |
$20,080 |
53.85% |
Town of Catskill |
$56,863 |
29.64% |
$19,905 |
53.85% |
Town of Coxsackie |
$33,026 |
28.85% |
$11,560 |
53.85% |
Town of Durham |
$52,451 |
29.22% |
$18,360 |
53.85% |
Town of Greenville |
$39,151 |
28.41% |
$13,704 |
53.85% |
Town of Halcott |
$11,979 |
30.84% |
$4,193 |
53.85% |
Town of Hunter |
$24,852 |
29.54% |
$8,699 |
53.85% |
Town of Jewett |
$21,567 |
27.85% |
$7,549 |
53.85% |
Town of Lexington |
$20,498 |
28.20% |
$7,175 |
53.85% |
Town of New Baltimore |
$42,584 |
29.92% |
$14,906 |
53.85% |
Town of Prattsville |
$12,776 |
28.83% |
$4,472 |
53.85% |
Town of Windham |
$20,384 |
27.91% |
$7,135 |
53.85% |