Senator Martucci, Senate Republicans Call on Colleagues to Show Support for Israel as Violence Escalates

Mike Martucci

May 19, 2021

Democratic Majority Rejects Introduction of Resolution in Support of Israel

Senator Mike Martucci (R,C,I-Hudson Valley/Catskills), Senate Republican Leader Robert Ortt, Deputy Leader Andrew Lanza, and members of the Senate Republican Conference today urged the Senate Democrat Majority to allow the introduction of a resolution in support of Israel as violent terrorist attacks against the nation continue.

The proposed resolution, introduced by Senator Lanza and co-sponsored by every member of the Senate Republican Conference, condemned the attacks on Israel that started earlier this month. Senate Democrats refused to allow the resolution to be formally introduced, citing the resolution is related to foreign policy. Despite refusing to introduce this resolution suggested by Senate Republicans, members of the Democratic Majority have been allowed to introduce resolutions clearly dealing with foreign policy, including lifting the trade embargo on Cuba and condemning acts of terror in New Zealand.

“Israel is one of our strongest allies and a bulwark against terrorism,” said Senator Mike Martucci. “The Senate Democrats refusal to allow us to put a resolution on the floor demonstrating our support and solidarity with the people of Israel as they endure cowardly Hamas rocket attacks shows you how radical they have become. Scared of the criticism of AOC and her acolytes in their conference, they are running for cover. There are not two sides to this conflict — either you stand with Israel or you do not.”

Mike Martucci is serving his first term as the Senator for New York's 42nd State Senate District which comprises all of Sullivan County and parts of Orange, Ulster, and Delaware counties. He is the Ranking Member of the Senate Standing Committees on Disabilities and Commerce, Economic Development And Small Business.
