Statement from Senator Mike Martucci

Mike Martucci

August 10, 2021

Middletown, NY – Statement from Senator Mike Martucci (R,C,I-Hudson Valley and Catskills) on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation:

“Governor Cuomo’s resignation is long overdue, but I’m glad he finally came to the obvious realization that all of us came to long ago. The culture of abuse, intimidation, lies and bullying that he brought to state government were among our state’s darkest chapters. Thankfully we are closing the book on that era today. I was among the first legislators to call for his resignation and later impeachment. I did not do so lightly — instead, I simply followed the facts and applied my own moral compass. I wish Lieutenant Governor Hochul well in the transition, and I pledge to work with her along with my colleagues in the Legislature to move our State forward and address the pressing problems we were elected to solve. Finally, I want to recognize the bravery, resilience and strength of all of the Governor’s victims. Today is a day you receive a measure of justice, and our State can look to better and brighter days ahead.”
