Senator Helming on Progress of Emergency Powers Repeal (3/2)

"Tonight there are reports that Senate Democrats have tentatively agreed on a bill to end the Governor’s emergency powers. Although the exact text of the bill has not been published, this is the most encouraging sign to date that the Majority is willing to do the responsible thing and restore the lawful role of the State Legislature as a co-equal branch of government. 

Today on the Senate floor, for the 19th time, Senate Democrats rejected our efforts to end these powers. Now, they will introduce their own bill. It’s unfortunate it took a crisis to get them to act.

I look forward to reviewing the Democrats’ proposal and hope it will be the genuine repeal we need to get the Legislature back to doing the work it should be doing on behalf of our constituents."

Watch Senator Helming’s most recent hostile amendment on the Senate floor to repeal the Governor’s emergency powers:

