Senator Gallivan Responds to Proposed Legislation to Repeal Governor's Emergency Powers

Jim Ranney

March 3, 2021

Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) issued the following statement:                                                                             

"I have long advocated for an end to the extended emergency powers granted to the governor in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The time to restore our system of checks and balances is long overdue.  However, legislation expected to be voted on this week to address this issue falls short in repealing the governor’s authority and raises several questions.

The proposed bill (S.5357) appears to extend the governor’s power in perpetuity.  It actually allows the governor to extend existing orders as long as the governor notifies Legislative leaders and provides an opportunity for comment.  In fact, the governor’s authority will go beyond April 30.  It also appears to give extraordinary discretion to the Commissioner of the Department of Health.

This bill falls short of repealing the governor’s emergency power and does little to restore the Legislature’s role as a co-equal branch of government.  We can and must do better.”




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