Senator Gallivan's Votes for June 10, 2021
Jim Ranney
June 14, 2021
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved by the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
452A Prohibits the use of intoxication of the victim as a defense in sex crimes; creates an affirmative defense where the defendant, at the time he or she engaged in the conduct constituting the offense, did not know of the facts or conditions responsible for such lack of consent. AYE
3126B Establishes energy efficiency measures by the public service commission including requiring utilities to hire and train employees who are from priority populations or living in areas designated as environmental justice communities. B PRINT - removes NYSERDA. NAY
534A This bill would require the inclusion of the annual percentage of maternal deaths, before during and up to six weeks after childbirth, third trimester fetal losses and stillbirths, hemorrhage; and injuries related to childbirth within the informational pamphlet given at the time of pre-booking to prospective maternity patients and include a racial breakdown of all data points. AYE
199B Requires the department of transportation to annually prepare and submit to the legislature certain highway pavement and bridge condition reports. B PRINT - makes technical changes. AYE
991C Directs the commissioner of the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation to conduct a legal review for the re-designation of Donald J. Trump State Park, in Putnam and Westchester counties to a new name. NAY
294A Removes the prohibition on individuals convicted of a felony that prevents them from being appointed fiduciary of an estate; allows the court the discretion to permit or prevent such appointment of an individual convicted of a felony. NAY
2929B Requires the secretary of state to conduct a public hearing and reasonable investigation of intense and repeated solicitation of owners of residential real property in the county of kings. If the secretary of state finds evidence of intense and repeated solicitation, the secretary of state shall establish a cease and desist zone. NAY (Secretary of State has authority to establish cease and desistzones through the rule making process. Unnecessary.)
2803 This bill prohibits the Division of Parole or Probation from terminating a person's parole or probation due to such person violating set curfew times as a result of performing bona fide work for an employer. AYE
5960 Designates August thirty-first of each year as a day of commemoration to be known as "Overdose Awareness Day". AYE
5759B Exempts certain income and resources provided to persons enrolled in certain pilot programs with direct cash transfers in determining eligibility for public assistance benefits. B PRINT - provides an expiration date six years from the effective date and also requires the Commissioner to seek a Federal Waiver to disregard income from the direct cash transfer program for the SNAP program. NAY (All income should count toward eligibility.)
3332 This bill would replace the word "inmate" with the phrase "incarcerated individual" any time it appears in a statute in this state. AYE
997 This bill would deem as void any provision in a contract for consumer goods that designates, restricts, or limits the venue in which a claim can be adjudicated or arbitrated. The bill defines consumer goods as goods, wares, paid merchandise or services purchased or paid for by a consumer, where the intended use or benefit is for personal, family or household purposes of such consumer. NAY
784B Requires every motor vehicle to be equipped with a muffler and exhaust system and properly maintained to prevent noise that exceeds the maximum allowable sound level limits prescribed in State law or through local law, rule, or regulation. Increases the fine for modifying the muffler or exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner that will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor. Requires police departments, subject to an appropriation or upon their determination of sufficient resources, to equip all police vehicles within their department with a decibel reader. Increases the maximum penalty from $150 to $1000 for modifying the muffler or exhaust system of a motor vehicle to amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor or exhaust system. NAY
2926 Designates South Park Avenue in or near Lackawanna as a state highway. AYE
2927 Includes part of Ridge Road in the city of Lackawanna as a state highway. AYE
5115 Relates to authorizing the city of Buffalo and the village of Angola to correct a property line between certain properties lying within the town of Evans which was formerly parkland. AYE
5671B Provides that an official of the municipality may not serve as a compensated officer, agent or employee of an IDA. B PRINT - clarifies that the prohibition applies only to elected officers of such municipality. AYE
5953A Authorizes the town of Orangetown, county of Rockland to discontinue certain park lands; authorizes such town to convey such lands to the county of Rockland for the purpose of such county completing roadway safety improvements, including the replacement of a structurally deficient bridge and channel realignment in order to reduce flooding in such area. AYE
5468 Establishes a commission on prison education to study and develop a plan for improving education in state prisons. AYE
2012 The bill would amend various sections of law related to rent stabilized and controlled apartments to prohibit surcharges related to the installation and use of air conditioner units if the tenant pays the electric utility service. NAY
2013 Prohibits the imposition of any surcharge for the installation or use of a tenant-installed appliance where the tenant pays for electric utility service. NAY (Additional rent control.)
1997 This bill would amend the Labor Law, section 167 relating to the restrictions on consecutive hours of work for nurses to assess a civil penalty of not less than one thousand nor more than ten thousand dollars, per violation upon an employer should such employer require a nurse to work more than such nurse's regularly scheduled work hours. The bill further provides that the employee shall receive an additional fifteen percent of the overtime payment from the employer for each violation. NAY
2143A Provides that any person who has been injured by reason of any violation of any such rules, regulations or policies as the superintendent may promulgate may bring an action in his or her own name; assert a counterclaim; or, if an action is commenced by the mortgagee or anyone acting on its behalf, bring a third party claim, against either the mortgagee and/or the mortgage servicer to enjoin any violations thereof; authorizes damages; makes related provisions. NAY (Would have an major impact on lenders who are seeking to enforce valid mortgages.)
5952 Provides taxpayer gifts for gun violence research; requires the tax commission to include space on the personal income tax return to enable a taxpayer to make such contribution; establishes the gun violence research fund. NAY (Duplicative.)
4943B Requires the metropolitan transportation authority, in consultation with the Long Island Rail Road Commuter's Council, the Metro-North Rail Commuter's Council and the New York City Transit Authority Advisory Council to develop a strategic action plan to improve bicycle and pedestrian access at its bridges and passenger stations. B PRINT - REMOVES language establishing a Permanent Advisory Committee on Bicycle and Pedestrian Access within the MTA to study investigate, monitor and make recommendations with respect to the maintenance and improvement of bicycle and pedestrian access at all bridges and passenger stations operated by the Authority and Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. AYE
1335 Amends subdivision 2 of section 1314 of article 13 in the racing law to make explicit that local support for a casino shall be shown through the passage of local laws or resolutions in support by both the host municipality and county. Also requires any class III gaming facility or new video lottery terminal facility comply with the state environmental quality review act and prohibits the transfer of land to the state, any municipal corporation, or any agency or authority thereof for the construction of a casino as a means of avoiding compliance with local zoning regulations and requirements. AYE
1443A The bill would Racing Law to provide exemptions for key casino employees to no longer be denied their license based on prior crimes, provided they have met the needs under Article 23-A of Correction Law. The bill further provides relief to vendors that provide less than $25,000 worth of goods or services at Casinos. A PRINT - -Eliminates license streamlining component. Eliminates section creating nongaming employee definition. Adds requirement that Key Employee with criminal history also have previous employment in the Gaming Industry. AYE
4516C Makes the falsification of COVID-19 vaccination records a crime as part of computer tampering in the third degree which is a class E felony. C PRINT - makes technical amendments. NAY (Computer tampering already a crime.)
6565A Authorizes the towns of Sherman, Mina, French Creek and Clymer in Chautauqua county to elect a single town justice to preside in the town courts of such towns. AYE
4104 This bill require original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to make diagnostic and repair information for digital electronic parts and equipment available to independent repair providers and consumers if such parts and repair information are also available to OEM authorized repair providers. AYE
6350A This bill would require that cooperative and condominium buildings in New York City pay a prevailing wage, which is annually determined by the New York City comptroller, to all building employees. NAY (Private sector housing. No government funding involved.)
6758A Establishes an energy system tax stabilization reserve fund in the Copenhagen Central School District to lessen or prevent increases in the school district's real property tax levy resulting from decreases in revenue due to changes in or termination of the payments in lieu of taxes receivable by the school district. AYE
6871 This bill would create a tax checkoff box for Lyme and tick-borne diseases education, research and prevention and would establishing the Lyme and tick-borne diseases education, research and prevention fund in State Finance Law. AYE
415A Authorizes the Village of Pelham Manor to install and operate traffic-control signal photo violation-monitoring devices (red light camera) at no more than one intersection within and under the jurisdiction of such village at any one time AND to establish a demonstration program im- posing monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle when they fail to comply with traffic lights in the village. AYE
3638 Establishes a task force on veteran employment opportunities, including membership requirements and powers and duties of the task force; provides for the repeal of such provisions. AYE
4323C Establishes a construction industry advisory council on public contracting reform to consider and advise on matters concerning the improvement of the current public works contracting process. AYE
4938C Authorizes the village of New Paltz, county of Ulster, to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands for the purpose of installing two wells for the benefit of village and town residents served by the municipal system. AYE
6240A Authorizes the town of Danby in Tompkins county to adopt a local law to provide that real property which has been acquired for the purpose of the preservation of an open space or an open area may be partially exempt from local real property taxation, provided that the owner or owners of such real property enter into a conservation easement agreement with the municipality. AYE
6847 Relates to the Peconic Bay region community preservation fund; includes the preservation of historic property; permits adaptive reuse of such properties that is consistent with the historic character of the property, while maximizing public use to the maximum extent practicable; makes related provisions. AYE
7135A This bill would authorize the service of notice by electronic communication. NAY
7176 Establishes the "Advanced Building Codes, Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards Act of 2021." Alliance for Clean Energy New York Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers NAY (Bill is excessive in the products it attempts to regulate, establishing definitions for products such as 'trough-type urinals,' 'water coolers,' 'portable air conditioners,' and even basic telephones.)
7184 Authorizes the city of New Rochelle, county of Westchester to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands, in furtherance of an economic development interest of the state and/or city of New Rochelle. AYE
5517A This bill requires the Office of General Services (OGS) to establish guidelines for the procurement of industrial paints and paint coatings as well as establish required certifications for the application of industrial paints and industrial coatings by contractors and subcontractors. AYE
6562A Designates a portion of the state highway system in the county of Rensselaer as the "Rensselaer County Purple Heart Highway". AYE
6617 Provides that the comptroller shall cause, in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the comptroller, that a state employee's net salary may be deposited directly in a bank for any purpose to an account in the name of such employee. AYE
7014 The bill would expand upon the provisions relating to selfexclusion to be similar to those relating to commercial casinos. The bill makes the following changes: -A person may waive their ability to cancel selfexclusion -A self-excluded person cannot collect any winning from a game they're excluded from. This currently only applies to Commercial Casinos and would apply to all gaming under the bill. -Allows an self-excluded player and the Gaming Entity a chance to be heard if a player is ejected for playing when they're self-excluded. AYE
7145 Requires PSC commissioners to have shall have education and training, as well as three or more years of experience in one or more of the following fields: economics, engineering, law, accounting, business management, utility regulation, public policy, consumer advocacy or environmental management. AYE
4306B Enacts the "Make Voting Easy Act"; requires the board of elections to designate a number of early voting polling places based on the number of registered voters in each county; relates to the hours polls are open for early voting. NAY (Unfunded mandate on local BOEs.)
1144A This bill dramatically changes the laws that deal with community supervision. It establishes earned time credits for persons out on parole by reducing the sentence of such person generally by 30 days for every 30 days of being complaint with conditions of his or her community supervision. Changes processes related to preliminary hearings and revocation hearings. NAY (Minimizes the original criminal conviction by making it more difficult to enforce penalties for violations committed while on parole, community supervision, etc.)
5246A This bill would require non-depository lenders, specifically, licensed mortgage bankers, to participate in the community reinvestment act. Non-depository lenders/institution provide financial services, but do not accept deposits. These institutions include finance companies, insurance companies, brokerage firms, and pensions funds. NAY (CRA requirements that were designed for banking institutions are not the appropriate fit for independent mortgage bankers.)
5891C Enacting the "New York collegiate athletic participation compensation act" - lets college athletes get paid through sponsorships. NAY
6301A This bill would codify existing guidance on the application of sales and use tax in regard to vendors. NOTE - Since 1998, Tax and Finance has issued guidance that allows retailers to exclude vendor funding from their receipts that are subject to the collection of sales tax. AYE
7053A Provides that an individual can restore the privilege to operate a motor vehicle or registration of a motor vehicle suspended due to a failure to appear in response to a summons for a traffic violation by entering into an installment to pay the fine associated with a conviction entered as a result of the failure to appear in response to a summons for a traffic violation. NAY (Incentivizes noncompliance.)
7220 This bill amends the Judiciary Law to add 14 additional Supreme Court Justices to the provisions setting forth the number of Supreme Court Justices. AYE
7227 Requires the governor to issue a proclamation for a special election within 10 days of the seat becoming vacant. Under current law the governor has discretion on whether and when to call a special election. AYE
7228 Expands the number of eligible crimes for a person to be diverted for substance use treatment and to update the term substance abuse to substance use. The new offense include conspiracy in the 3rd and 4th degrees where the underlying crime is a class B, C, D or E felony offense defined in Article 179 (Medical cannabis), 220 (controlled substances) or 222 (cannabis) of the Penal Law, auto stripping in the second degree, auto stripping in the first degree, identity theft in the second degree, or identity theft in the first degree. NAY
7230 This bill is intended to clarify that grants received under the $800 million, Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program are not considered income for tax purposes. AYE
7231 Provides a deduction for repayment of item amounts reported in a taxpayer's income in a previous tax year because it was established after the close of such previous taxable year that the taxpayer did not have an unrestricted right to such item or to a portion of such item. AYE
7232 This bill would implements agreements between the State and an Employee Organization (PEF) relating to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of certain state officers and employees. AYE
7234 Amends the Department of Family Assistance Office of Children and Family Services Aid to Localities Budget making a technical change to Facilitated Child Care Enrollment Appropriation to replace the Consortium for Workers Education (CWE) with the NYS AFL-CIO Workforce Development Institute. AYE (This applies to the child care facilitated enrollment program in Erie County.)
7237 This bill is an amended version of S.7195 - which provided funding for impeachment proceedings. This bill was amended in potentially important ways from the original. 1) in relation to the new appropriation, it notwithstands Þ17 and Þ19 of the public officers law. (Þ17 provides provisions for the defense and indemnification of state officers and employees. Þ19 provides for the reimbursement of defense costs incurred by or on behalf of state employees. ) 2) it carves out a narrow exception such that reimbursement of services and expenses related to the individual representation of the principal subject of the investigations or proceedings shall not be eligible under this appropriation. AYE
661 Provides a claim-filing opportunity for the widows and dependents of workers who died as a result of cancer caused by exposure to diesel exhaust. NAY (The bill does not require a connection to the inhaling of diesel fumes with any sort of job related activity.)
922A Enacts the "schools impacted by gross highways (SIGH) act"; prohibits the construction of new schools within six hundred feet of a major roadway; includes certain schools in environmental impact statements for the construction of a major roadway. NAY (Overly broad, has the potential to increase the cost of both roadway and school construction.)
1411A This bill expands Medicaid eligibility for pregnant woman with higher income levels within Medicaid from 60 days following the birth of a child to 1 year following the birth of the child. Requires the Commissioner of Health to immediately take steps to secure federal financial participation under title XIX of the social security act. The expansion would only occur where there is federal financial participation. AYE
2288 Expands the waiver of the residency requirement for the city attorney in the city of Mechanicville, Saratoga county. AYE
2801A Under this bill, an individual granted presumptive release, parole, conditional release or release to post-release supervision will not be deemed in violation of the conditions of their release solely because such person participated in a labor protest or lawful labor dispute, strike or other concerted stoppage of work or slowdown pursuant to Article 20 of the Labor Law. NAY
3280B Enacts the Rochester housing court act to create a separate part of the court to be exclusively devoted to actions and proceedings involving the enforcement of all housing codes, pertaining to all real property situated within the city; makes related provisions. AYE
3926 This bill would modify the terminal rental adjustment clauses in commercial motor vehicle leases. NOTE - the terms of many commercial vehicles is variable, which leads to some confusion as to what sales tax is owed. This bill would allow for commercial fleet lessors the option to pay tax up front on its purchases of vehicles for lease. AYE
4106B Relates to facilities utilized by the Albany parking authority; increases the amount of bonds of the Albany parking authority authorized to be outstanding. AYE
4186A Directs the public service commission to study the feasibility and the costs of burying all or most of the electrical, telephone and internet transmission lines in New York state and to publish and deliver a report of its findings to the governor and the legislature, and requires new electrical, telephone and internet transmission lines to be buried underground. AYE
4823 Prohibits utility companies from harassing, oppressing or abusing any residential customer in connection with the handling of a residential customer complaint, the offering and/or negotiating of a deferred payment agreement, or the collection of an unpaid balance or any other obligation owed by such customer. AYE
4824A Requires each electric corporation to submit a storm hardening and system resiliency plan to the public service commission for review and approval; makes related provisions (Part A); requires utility companies to reimburse customers for certain widespread prolonged outages; prohibits utility companies from recovering from customers the costs incurred due to power outage reimbursements; authorizes utility companies to petition the public service commission for a waiver of the reimbursement requirements (Part B). NAY (Negatively impacts ratepayers.)
4868 Creates the lymphedema and lymphatic diseases research grants program; provides such grants, not to exceed $50,000, would be awarded on a competitive basis to biomedical research institutions conducting direct research related to lymphedema and lymphatic disease. AYE
5105C This bill is loosening the restrictions placed on housing cooperatives by the way the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 was drafted. AYE
5486A Establishes a commercial driver's license (CDL) class A young adult training program for qualified 18-20 year olds; provides for the repeal of the act if any federal agency or court determines that the act would render the state ineligible for receipt of federal funds. AYE
5882A This bill seeks to incentivize economic activity by providing property tax abatements when a business constructs a new building or provides an overall improvement to a commercial or industrial building when that property is purchased from New York City. AYE
5979 Provides for alternative penalties for a first time violation of a state liquor authority rule or regulation related to administrative or paperwork violations submitted to or requested by the authority or to actions or omissions that are determined by the authority to be de minimus under the circumstances. AYE
6092 Relates to accidental disability retirement for deputy sheriffs; provides that deputy sheriffs shall receive a pension of threequarters of their final average salary. AYE
6375 Directs the commissioner of health to conduct a study of the delivery of ambulatory care and other medical care in this state in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. AYE
6452 Enables veterans and reservists to receive benefit information upon applying for or renewing a driver's license. AYE
6550A GALLIVAN Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of North Collins as the "Tec. 5 Edward Enser Memorial Highway". AYE
6634 Permits the Brentwood Fire District to file and authorizes the assessor of the town of Islip to except an application for a retroactive property tax exemption for the 2020-2021 assessment rolls. AYE
6653A Provides for a charge-back of refunds of taxes levied by a school district to municipal public libraries and special district public libraries. AYE
6655A Provides that public welfare officials shall not be required to limit authorized child care services strictly based on the work, training, or educational schedule of the parents; makes technical changes. NAY (Childcare that is paid for by the State has limited funding.)
6656A Relates to creating an action for the recovery of damages for personal injury caused by exposure to toxic burn pits while serving as a member of the armed forces on or after August 2, 1990. AYE
6729 Authorizes the Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center to file an application for exemption from real property taxes for the 2020-2021 assessment roll. AYE
6950 Requires owners to provide essential services and habitability for interim multiple dwelling units; allows occupants of interim multiple dwelling units to bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction. NAY (Already an avenue for grievances. Establishes a cause of action.)
6995A Allows bids for contracts from the New York city transit authority and the metropolitan commuter transportation authority to be received by such authorities through an electronic bidding platform and electronically posted for public view. AYE
7024 Relates to the provision of records upon the receipt of a complaint of an incident of abuse or neglect of an individual with a disability. AYE
7052 Enacts the comprehensive insurance disclosure act to require that all parties provide notice and proof of the existence and contents of any insurance agreement, including coverage amounts, under which any person or entity may be liable to satisfy part or all of a judgment within sixty days of serving an answer in an action. NAY (Onerous and burdensome. Already process in place.)
7079 Authorizes additional supervision and regulation of limitedprofit housing companies relating to requiring members of a board of directors of a limited-profit housing company to complete training regarding the financial oversight, accountability and fiduciary responsibilities of a board member and the powers, functions and duties of a board of directors of a limited-profit housing company. NAY
7093 This bill would expand admissibility of hearsay evidence when the more reliable testimony would be a first hand account from the employer. NAY
7137 Includes ambulatory surgery centers established exclusively to create and maintain vascular access necessary to dialyze patients with end stage renal disease as part of diagnostic or treatment centers to provide end stage renal disease services. AYE
7153 Provides that any funds paid to a support collection unit which have not been disbursed after two years of diligent efforts to locate the person entitled to such funds, and funds which the remitter of such funds has not provided sufficient identifying information to associate the funds with an existing account shall be paid to the state comptroller. NAY (Current authority of the Family Court to decree funds be returned to the Payee is sufficient.)
7180 Creates the crime of dissemination of an image of a crime victim; makes a person guilty of such crime where the person is a public servant and, while in the course of the public servant's official duties, records a still image or motion picture of a crime victim and broadcasts or publishes such images or motion pictures outside of the course of conduct of the public servant's official duties; makes such crime a class A misdemeanor. AYE
7182 Authorizes the county of Suffolk to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands. AYE
7192 Provides that a student enrolled in an individualized education plan during certain school years may continue to receive educational services until the student completes the services pursuant to the individualized education plan or turns twenty-three years of age, whichever is sooner; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof. AYE
7236 Authorizes the Yonkers parking authority to issue bonds or notes in the principal amount not to exceed sixty million dollars to finance critical infrastructure improvements to parking facilities located in the city of Yonkers. AYE
399A This bill would amend the Correction Law to allow pregnant inmates one support person in the delivery room. This would require the Department provide information to the inmate on the nursery program, require the Chief Medical Officer inform any pregnant inmate of her option to participate in pregnancy counseling and inform her of her right to abortion services. NAY
4024 Relates to the enforcement by the village of Sagaponack of interests in real property acquired for the purposes of open space or open areas. AYE
2031 Authorizes Tioga county to impose an additional surcharge to pay for the costs associated with updating the services needed to provide an enhanced 911 emergency telephone system; authorizes an additional surcharge at the rate of one dollar per retail sale. AYE
2988 Authorizes the department of transportation to conduct a study pertaining to proposed improvements of State Route 9A in the towns of Ossining and Mount Pleasant. AYE
524A Relates to establishing speed limits in cities with populations in excess of one million people by easing restrictions so cities can establish speed limits below twenty five miles per hour. AYE
4379 This bill amends the Judiciary Law to provide that retired Judges of the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court shall be certified to serve an additional two year term upon application, provided there is a finding that 1) such judge has the mental and physical capacity to perform the job; and 2) the services of such judge are necessary to expedite the business of the Supreme Court. AYE
4523 Relates to establishing a twenty year retirement plan for members or officers of law enforcement; includes every nonseasonally appointed sworn member or officer of the division of law enforcement in the department of environmental conservation, a forest ranger in the service of the department of environmental conservation, a police officer in the department of environmental conservation, the regional state park police, and university police officers in such twenty year plan. AYE
5022 Limits the exceptions to certain effluent limitations in Nassau and Suffolk counties and requires certain eligible projects for state aid involving water pollution control revolving fund agreements to take county-wide or regional wastewater planning into consideration when determining eligibility; requires best available technology to be used to reduce nitrogen pollution. AYE
5673 Authorizes the city of Ogdensburg to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use tax. AYE
6185A Specifies that a person convicted of prostitution, or a person whose participation in the offense is determined by a court to be a result of having been a victim of sex trafficking is excluded from the definition of designated offender. AYE
6492 Authorizes towns in the Peconic Bay region to establish community housing funds to be funded by a supplemental real estate transfer tax. AYE
6573 This bill would establish a family homelessness and eviction prevention supplement program (FHEPS). A local social service district with a population of 5 million or more shall create vouchers to be made available to eligible families under such program. The State shall reimburse the local social services district for payments made under this program. NAY
6603 Requires Medicaid managed care plans to reimburse retail pharmacies in an amount equal to the fee-for-service rate; allows retail pharmacies the opportunity to participate in another provider's network under the medical assistance program; prohibits pharmacy benefit managers from limiting an individual's option to receive medications from non-mail order pharmacies. AYE
6706B This bill would increase from two hundred percent of the State income standard to eighty-five percent of the State Median Income, to qualify for child care assistance. NAY (Not enough child care subsidy funding to cover the newly eligible going forward.)
6796 This legislation will provide death benefits to Suffolk County Deputy Sheriffs. AYE
6925 Relates to the use of certain lands conveyed by the New York state thruway authority to the International Boxing Hall of Fame; releases a reverter interest and easement relating to such land. AYE
6927 Authorizes the issuance of a license to sell liquor at retail for consumption on certain premises in the city of Beacon located within two hundred feet of a building occupied as a church, synagogue or other place of worship. AYE
6990 Incorporates provisions of the COVID-19 emergency rental assistance program of 2021 into municipal corporation emergency rental assistance programs. AYE
7087A Authorizes the power authority of the state of New York to form a pure captive insurance company. NOTE - The Executive Budget Proposal included a provision to establish a NYPA Captive Insurance Company (Part V of ELFA bill). This bill would expand coverage enacted within the FY 22 state budget to NYS subsidiaries and affiliates. AYE
7117 Relates to allocating hotel or motel tax revenues for the promotion of tourism and tourist attractions in Seneca county. AYE
7142A This bill would extend the exemption from the Security Guard Act for public entities that hire security guards on a temporary basis for less than 15 days each year to the tenants of a publicly owned sports venue. AYE
7209 Grants a retroactive retirement date of August 5, 2010 from the New York state and local police and fire retirement system for Cariol Horne. AYE
7225 The bill would amend section 27-1415 to include school and day care facilities into the list of proximity to real property that must be considered when brownfield cleanup programs are being considered for remediation. AYE
2890B This bill would require that any publisher who offers to license electronic books (E-books) to the public shall also offer to license such books to libraries in the state on reasonable terms that would permit the libraries to provide their users with access to such electronic books. AYE
1634 Requires fees charged by municipal industrial development agencies be the same as those charged by the county's industrial development agency. NAY
6571 Requires reporting of alcohol overdose data; and makes opioid overdose reporting requirements permanent. AYE
6712A Authorizes the metropolitan transportation authority and its subsidiaries to fingerprint applicants for employment; authorizes such authority and subsidiaries to submit such fingerprints to the division of criminal justice services to obtain criminal histories of such applicants. AYE
6722 Requires the commissioner of the department of social services to develop and provide training to intake workers at homeless shelters focused on how to identify and provide appropriate referrals to those suffering from mental health issues. AYE
6899 Authorizes the town of East Hampton, county of Suffolk, upon the dissolution of the East Hampton wastewater disposal district to use any remaining funds of the district to pay for all or a portion of the cost of one or more town-wide capital projects; provides that such dissolution shall be subject to permissive referendum. AYE
7096A Authorizes the retention of federal funds for special education programs for preschool children that are subject to tuition rate reconciliation. Ensures schools won't have their federal money through COVID-relief funding and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) be used as an excuse to offset state funding. AYE
7253 Provides that a foreign corporation's application for authority to do business in this state constitutes consent to jurisdiction of the courts of this state and a surrender of such application constitutes withdrawal of such consent. AYE
6547 GALLIVAN Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Warsaw, county of Wyoming, as the "Sgt. Daniel J. Murtha Memorial Bridge". AYE
6639A Executive law is amended by adding a new section 170-c requiring that every state agency, board, or commission that directly collects data on ethnic origin for residents of the state of New York would use separate categories for a number of Asian groups included but not limited to Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Taiwanese. AYE