Statement from Senator Oberacker

Jeff Bishop, Communications Director

August 24, 2021

ONEONTA – 08/24/21 – Senator Peter Oberacker (R/C-Schenevus) today reacted to Governor Kathy Hochul’s inaugural speech.

“This is a historic day.  Our first female governor, and our first upstater in sometime, is now officially in office.  I want to extend my congratulations to Governor Hochul and a heartfelt invitation to visit the 51st Senate District to learn firsthand the concerns of those who live and work here.  We have no shortage of issues – from the COVID pandemic to broader concerns.

“The interests of our small business owners have been cast aside, crime has surged, Second Amendment rights have been discarded, and taxes are at an all-time high.  Landlords and tenants alike are waiting for stalled rental assistance, schools are left with incomplete reopening guidance, and there is a general mistrust in government. 

“The governor has signaled that she will be much different than her predecessor, starting with transparency.  I stand ready to work with her in a bi-partisan manner and look forward to the details of the initiatives she announced today.”
