Statement from NYS Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt

Robert G. Ortt

March 9, 2021

The latest allegation by a current employee of the Executive Chamber highlights a disturbing pattern of predatory behavior by Governor Cuomo, not to mention a pattern of lies and broken public trust. Just last week, the Governor claimed he had never inappropriately touched anyone -- but yet the brave and courageous account of the sixth accuser says he did just that, only months ago. 

Yesterday’s and today’s press conferences by the Governor have demonstrated these allegations mean nothing to him. His threatening tone during these press events are clear signals to anyone that he does not want victims to come forward, and his circulation of a supportive “letter” that was drafted by his own Administration was just his latest public relations stunt to silence women.

I am confident that Joon Kim and Anne Clark are prepared to lead a truly independent investigation of these mounting sexual harassment allegations and ensure swift justice for these victims.

I have called for the Governor’s resignation and I stand by it -- he has ceded the public trust and is incapable of leading this state. This state needs a leader, and every day Andrew Cuomo remains in office is a day the people of this state are deprived of effective and honest government. All options are on the table, and as public servants we must put the interests of New Yorkers first. We all deserve better.
