Statement from Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt Calling For The Impeachment of Governor Andrew Cuomo
Robert G. Ortt
March 10, 2021
- Governor Cuomo

The Governor is no longer capable of leading New York at a time when we need leadership. New York State is still fighting this deadly pandemic and we are days away from beginning state budget negotiations. With so much at stake, he and his closest aides continue to plunge Albany into a morass of scandal, the scale and scope of which are truly unprecedented.
These are dark and shameful days for our state government. Despite all the swirling scandals, all the investigations, all the damning media reports, and all the victims of his destructive behavior coming forward, Governor Cuomo remains arrogantly defiant. The era of this Governor’s misdeeds must come to an end. We as state legislators must bring it to an end. I support my colleague Assembly Leader Barclay’s call for the Assembly to begin the impeachment process immediately.