A Statement from Senator Rob Ortt

Robert G. Ortt

April 28, 2021

While we are pleased that this long overdue action was finally taken by the Legislature today, there is still much more to be done -- including the immediate elimination of the completely arbitrary curfew and capacity restrictions that hurt our bars and restaurants.

The Governor may have announced that his arbitrary curfew will be lifted in a few weeks, but our small businesses can’t afford to wait another day.

The Legislature should not only immediately repeal these nonsensical, non-scientific orders -- we should also fully repeal the Governor’s emergency powers and restore local control to the officials who are best equipped to make decisions for the residents who elected them, and their local economies.

New Yorkers are sick and tired of a Governor who transparently bases all of his decision-making on political science, not medical science. In the best interest of all New Yorkers, we must finally re-establish the Legislature as a co-equal branch. 
