A Statement from Senator Rob Ortt

Robert G. Ortt

April 28, 2021

Today’s revelation in the New York Times once again confirms what my Senate Republican colleagues and I have said for months: the Governor and his administration lied about COVID-related nursing home deaths, they lied about covering it up, and they continue to lie about their deliberate efforts to mislead the public.

It’s been clear to my conference for months that the Governor should be immediately impeached. Yet somehow in the Senate, despite all the tough talk about getting to the bottom of this coverup, Democrats have failed to send a single subpoena to this out-of-control administration, despite our many repeated pleas for a top-to-bottom investigation.

It’s not just the Governor who should be ashamed of his actions -- it’s Democrats who should be ashamed of their own inaction. The families who lost loved ones in New York nursing homes deserve better.
