November 22, 2021

HYDE PARK, NY – Senator Sue Serino, Ranking Member of the State Senate’s Aging Committee released the statement below in response to the Assembly’s Impeachment Report:
“After months of stalling to protect the scandal-scarred former Governor, the Assembly’s impeachment report only confirms much of what we already knew—Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed numerous women, profited extensively off the backs of suffering New Yorkers during a once-in-a-century pandemic, and obscured data on nursing home deaths that could have helped lawmakers make more informed decisions to better protect vulnerable residents.
Despite over eight months and extensive resources, the Assembly’s report barely scratches the surface and leaves a number of questions unanswered. If nothing else, the report makes the case for a full, independent, medical and scientific review of the state’s overall pandemic response—especially as it relates to the policies that impacted nursing home residents during that time. Anything less is a disservice to New Yorkers, and a recipe for disaster should the state ever face a similar crisis in the future.
The report makes clear that the former Governor should have been impeached. For the Assembly to have dragged this process out for a report that only reiterates much of what was already public knowledge when the Governor was in office was irresponsible and wrong. We can only hope now that the various law enforcement agencies that are investigating his conduct bring about the transparency, justice and accountability his victims and all New Yorkers deserve.”
To view the full report, click here.