ALBANY, NY – Following the release of the report that substantiates sexual harassment claims made against Governor Andrew Cuomo and his pre-recorded response, Senator Sue Serino released the statement below:

“First and foremost, I commend the brave women who came forward to expose the toxic culture that was allowed to pervade the Governor’s office for far too long. Without their making the difficult decision to use their voice to put an end to this despicable behavior, it would likely have continued unabated, putting even more women at risk. It is clear that we must redouble our efforts to protect women in the workplace, especially in the Capitol.

Now that an independent investigation has corroborated and substantiated the allegations made against the Governor, there can be no question remaining that he is unfit to serve. A bizarre 'kissing collage' is certainly not enough to excuse the disturbing pattern of behavior outlined in the report. 

It is far past time for Andrew Cuomo to resign, and if he does not do so today, the Assembly must move immediately to begin impeachment proceedings. It is not enough for lawmakers to claim they support his resignation without now taking affirmative steps to hold him accountable for these despicable actions. The only way to fully put an end to this culture of harassment and corruption is to rid the Capitol of the Governor that allowed it to flourish.”

A copy of the Report can be viewed by clicking here. 
