Senator Toby Ann Stavisky Lauds the Passage of the 2021-2022 State Budget
April 12, 2021

Queens, NY- On Monday, Apri1 12th, Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, (D-16th SD) met via zoom with reporters to discuss the 2021-22 Fiscal Year Budget, designed to help New Yorkers rebound from the damaging toll of the COVID-19 pandemic. "This was 'The Year of the Legislature' which finally produced a budget that invests in our economy, in education, our infrastructure and so much more. We saw a dramatic shift of power," Senator Stavisky said. This budget provides necessary funding to support ailing small business owners and those struggling to keep their homes and afford health care. It also looks towards New York’s future by heavily investing in our education system, which Senator Stavisky, who chairs the Senate Higher Education Committee, fought particularly hard for.
“If you are parent, your school will be getting more funding,” explained Senator Stavisky. “If you are a college student, tuition will not be increased. If you are a working immigrant who wasn’t able to get unemployment insurance, help is on the way. If you lost your job or couldn’t work because of COVID, your rent will be subsidized so you can stay in your home. If you are a senior who depends on Medicaid, we saved $400 million from being cut. If you’re a struggling small business owner, this budget lets us invest in you.
In Higher Education, I am proud of the historic funding we were able to secure for our students and colleges. In this budget we were able to freeze tuition for SUNY and CUNY students. We are also increasing the Tuition Assistance Program by $500, the largest increase in 20 years.”
You can find more information on the 2021-22 New York State Budget here.