Statement by Senator Borrello on Gov. Hochul’s State of the State Address

“New Yorkers across our state are noticing the changes that one party rule has brought to our state and – like me – they are concerned about what they see. Our streets are more dangerous than they have been in decades. Economic opportunity is discouraged through punitive regulations that treat business like the enemy. And jobs and residents continue to flee New York for states that offer lower taxes and a better quality of life,” said Sen. George Borrello.

“In Gov. Hochul’s State-of-the-State address, I was hoping to hear her plans for saving New York from this downward spiral. However, what I largely heard were plans to continue the same approach – appeasing special interests while overlooking the need to restore public safety, support our overburdened middle class and build a stronger economy.   

“New York is at a crossroads. More than 300,000 people left New York last year. That’s more than any other state in the nation and it’s a symptom of what one-party rule in Albany has done,” Sen. Borrello said. “To turn things around we need to choose hope, growth and opportunity over the chaos, fear and isolation the majority in Albany has given us.  

“Allowing New Yorkers to order drinks ‘to-go’ from restaurants is a small life line to a hospitality industry devastated by bad state policy. Thousands of restaurants have closed permanently. New York’s businesses are burdened with huge increases in payroll costs, unemployment insurance, taxes and fees. All courtesy of Albany. That doesn’t sound business-friendly to me.  

“The governor spoke about helping farmers, while ignoring warnings from farmers that decreasing the overtime threshold will devastate family farms in New York and drive farm workers out of state.  

“She said we need to work together to beat the pandemic. I agree. But I heard nothing about building confidence and consensus to do that. Instead, her vaccine mandate forced the firing of hundreds of first responders and healthcare workers. These are people who risked their health and that of their families to protect us over the last two years.   

“I’m glad the governor spoke about the need to improve our infrastructure. It’s certainly needed. But we need true infrastructure, roads and bridges, not social welfare programs disguised as infrastructure,” Sen. Borrello said. “And the best way to expand broadband is to remove state-imposed barriers like the fiber optic tax and unnecessary survey fees that spike the cost of broadband projects.  

“My Senate Republican colleagues and I have unveiled a ‘Take Back New York’ Legislative Agenda that would address all of these critical issues while restoring balance and common sense to state government.     

“New York State can be safer, stronger and better. Getting us on that path will be my goal in this new Legislative Session.    To see the details of our plan, please visit: