20 Legislators Sign Letter Opposing Hochul’s Buffalo Bills Deal
ALBANY, NY — On Friday morning, 20 elected officials sent a letter to Gov. Kathy Hochul opposing her proposal to spend over $1 billion in public funding on a New Buffalo Bills stadium.
The letter, which was organized by Sen. Jabari Brisport and AM Zohran K Mamdani, criticized the Governor’s billionaire giveaway, stating “New Yorkers in and outside of Buffalo need real investments in this year's budget; Terry Pegula does not need support for his ownership of an NFL team.”
The Governor’s deal with the Buffalo Bills was negotiated in secret well after her own budget proposal and the legislature’s budget proposals were released. It was not announced to the public and the legislature until Monday – weeks into three-way budget negotiations with the Speaker of the Assembly and the Senate Majority Leader.
The full letter can be found here.