Senator James Sanders Jr. to Introduce the Cannabis Community Reinvestment Act (CCRA)

James Sanders Jr.

April 5, 2022

Senator James Sanders Jr. joined by representatives of the National Cannabis Party will announce that he plans to introduce the Cannabis Community Reinvestment Act (CCRA) at a press conference to be held at the Legislative Office Building in Room 130 (LCA Press Room) on Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 12 Noon. They will also launch a grass roots campaign to build support for the legislation.
This bill would require multi-state cannabis operators in the cannabis to create a plan to reinvest in communities disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition.
Senator Sanders said, "The War on Drugs unleashed severe damage and ruined many lives--particularly in communities of color. My bill will ensure that companies that profit the most from the legalization of cannabis will contribute part of their profits back into the communities most harmed by the War on Drugs."
In 2021, the “Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act” (MRTA) became law in New York State, legalizing marijuana. It also established a new Office of Cannabis Management for the regulation of cannabis and created a regulated and taxed cannabis industry. The MRTA also provided for various social and economic justice initiatives.
This CCRA would require state operators in the cannabis industry to create a plan to invest in communities disproportionally impacted by cannabis prohibition to build economic and cultural institutions in those communities most impacted by" the war on drugs.”

Sephida Artis-Mills, President & Co-Founder of the National Cannabis Party, said: “The power belongs to the people, and so does the plant. To control the way people choose their medicine, and overall wellness, is a civil rights issue we need to address.”

 Reggie "Redman" Noble, Co-Founder of the National Cannabis Party, said: “We have our own party where we can actually help regulate our own laws and help communities.“