Senator Sanders' Bill Signed Into Law Today Regarding Resources For National Guard Members

James Sanders Jr.

August 8, 2022

Senator James Sanders Jr. today had one of his bills signed into law by the Governor. It would help men and women serving in the National Guard and their familkies.

Bill S666-A  amends the military law by adding a new section to require the Division of Military and Naval Affairs is required information on benefits for members of the national guard and their family in both printed form and on the Division's website.

“As a Senator and a Marine Corps Veteran, I truly care about our military personnel and I am always looking for ways to improve their lives," Senator Sanders said. "This bill would allow National Guard members to have a place to find information on benefits and services available to them and their families, which is a really important resource.”

Governor Hochul praised the billl for helping our National Guard members clearly understand the benefits that are offered to them for their service.

"Our National Guard members put their lives on the line every day to keep New Yorkers across the state safe, and they are owed a great deal for their sacrifice," Hochul said.