Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) On Brian Benjamin Bailout Bill
Senator Jim Tedisco
May 3, 2022

“Make no mistake, this bill is tantamount to handing Kathy Hochul a political get-out-of-jail-free-card so she’s not saddled with having a criminal defendant on the ballot as her hand-picked running-mate.”
“In other circumstances, such as after an election, the merits of this type of legislation could be considered, but passing this ‘Brian Benjamin Bailout Bill’ right now is all about the politics of the Majority enabling and rewarding Governor Hochul for her total incompetence in the lack of vetting her Lt. Governor pick who is now under federal criminal indictment, as the person who would be one heartbeat away from running one of the biggest state’s in the nation.”