Addabbo presents high school champions at Scholars Academy and Archbishop Molloy High School with Senate citations
Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.
May 9, 2022

At the end of April, State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. visited Scholars Academy in Rockaway and his alma mater Archbishop Molloy High School to present amazing student athletes with New York State Senate Citations recognizing their championship success.
At Scholars, Addabbo helped celebrate the Boys’ Basketball team which won the PSAL Division B Boys Basketball City Championship. While at Molloy High School, Addabbo met with the Girls’ Junior Varsity Basketball team and the Boys’ Varsity Bowling team, which both won their championships.
Scholars 1: Addabbo with the Scholars Boys’ Basketball team.
Scholars 2: Addabbo with Nicholas Tung of Scholars Academy.
Molloy Champions: Addabbo with Molloy’s Girls’ Junior Varsity Basketball and Boys’ Varsity Bowling teams, and school staff.
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