Griffo statement on today’s Independent Redistricting Commission meeting

“News of the Independent Redistricting Commission’s failure to achieve a consensus on state legislative and congressional district maps is disconcerting. Voters in November rejected a partisan attempt to alter the redistricting process because they believed that the Commission should be allowed to conduct its business with their best interests in mind. However, the failure of the Commission to maintain New Yorkers’ confidence will return the process of drawing maps to the Legislature. This is not the outcome that voters approved of in 2014, nor is it what they expected to happen when the Commission’s work began in earnest last summer. I would urge my colleagues in the majorities of both the state Senate and Assembly to recognize the importance of preserving integrity in the redistricting process and to resist the urge to gerrymander legislative districts, something which would further erode the confidence of voters throughout the state.” 
