Senator Kevin Thomas' Statement on the Mass Shooting in Buffalo

Kevin Thomas

May 15, 2022

“The horrific mass shooting that occurred in Buffalo is a tragedy that defies description. We grieve for the lives senselessly taken, the families, the community, and all those who are suffering the physical and emotional toll of this hate-fueled act of terrorism. As New Yorkers, we stand with the Buffalo community, and we will ensure that they have the resources and support they need during this immensely difficult time. White supremacy, anti-semitism and other hate-fueled ideologies have no place anywhere in the world – especially here in New York. We call upon all New Yorkers, including our community leaders and public officials, to speak out forcefully to denounce hate in all of its manifestations. Violent domestic extremism fueled by hate is an urgent threat to our democracy, inflamed by dangerous misinformation circulated on social media. We must do more on all fronts to confront this raging epidemic of violence.”