Senator Helming Statement on Governor's Executive Budget Proposal

Pamela Helming

January 19, 2022

“Today, the Governor outlined what she called her 'New York Dream.' It's a dream that will increase state spending to a record-setting level. 

Here is my dream: to put New York on a fiscally-responsible path that prioritizes spending where we need it most and provides much-needed relief to taxpayers. My dream is to make New York more affordable for homeowners, families, and businesses, strengthen public safety, bolster workforce development and homegrown manufacturing, protect our lakes and waterways, and increase mental health support for our children.   

For years, many of us have been sounding the alarm on New York’s skyrocketing cost of living that has driven a record number of people from the state. To reverse this trend and make New York a place where people want to raise a family and start a business, we need to provide meaningful tax relief, eliminate crushing mandates, and keep our communities safe. 

A concerted investment in mental health services for our young people is essential and I will continue to be a strong advocate on this issue during the budget process. The pandemic has been trying for everyone, but especially for our schoolchildren, and they need our support. 

On clean water and the environment, we must also dedicate resources to mitigate Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), as our Finger Lakes manage through some of the worst outbreaks in years. This is important to public health, tourism, and our local economies. 

We need to increase investments in workforce development and amplify our collaborations with businesses, schools, and community colleges to connect more young people to apprenticeships and careers in the trades and manufacturing. Doing so protects Upstate jobs and supports my goal to expand the number of products made in New York State. 

I know many of us share these goals and I will keep fighting for the resources and support the 54th District needs."