Senator Gallivan Responds to Governor's Budget Proposal

Jim Ranney

January 18, 2022

Governor Hochul’s massive $216 billion budget proposal includes record amounts of spending, made possible, in large part, by federal aid and better than anticipated tax receipts.  While increased funding may be justified in areas such as health care and education, the priority should be on providing meaningful financial relief to hard working taxpayers and making our state more affordable to live and to do business.

The governor’s proposal to accelerate the previously enacted middle class tax cut and to provide $2 billion in property tax relief is laudable, but it falls short of what residents and homeowners deserve. 

While I am encouraged by the governor’s call to increase funding for health care and education, we must also ensure the funding is distributed fairly, throughout the state. I am also anxious to learn more about the governor’s plan to provide tax relief for small businesses, including agriculture, and to help businesses rebuild from the devastating impact of the pandemic.   

As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, I look forward to working with my colleagues over the next several weeks to review the governor’s proposal and ensure a budget is adopted that is good for all New Yorkers.

