Statement from Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt
Robert G. Ortt
June 2, 2022
- Gun Control

Recent heartbreaking tragedies have left all of us mourning. As public officials, we want to put an end to these despicable acts of violence, and to keep our children, families and communities safe and free from harm.
Unfortunately, Albany Democrats are choosing to go after the rights of law-abiding citizens, rather than the criminals who commit horrific acts of violence. We cannot stop the violence in our state without addressing the underlying issues. That is why I have worked with my colleagues to introduce our ‘Safer NY Plan’, an extensive legislative package focused on preventing targeted violence against New Yorkers. This plan will make our schools safer, provide necessary investments in our mental health system and strengthen penalties for violent criminals.
New York already has the strictest gun laws in the country. I will not accept passing more laws that fail to address the source of the problem as the only solution. I encourage my colleagues to put politics aside and work with us on policies that will stop preventable violence and make New York State safer.