Mayer Seeks Nominations for NYS Empire Awards

Shelley B. Mayer

August 3, 2022

(Port Chester, NY) – New York State Senator Shelley B. Mayer today announced that she is seeking nominations of small businesses and nonprofits for the New York State Empire Award, which honors organizations that make outstanding contributions to the growth, prosperity and betterment of their community and New York State.

Senator Shelley B. Mayer said: Our district is fortunate to have many small businesses and nonprofits that enrich our lives and create connections in our community. Whether they provide food, culture, a place to gather, or direct assistance to people in need – we benefit from their leadership, generosity, and innovation every day. I hope you’ll nominate one that has made a difference in your life or your community!”

To submit a nomination, visit Businesses and nonprofits must be located in Senate District 37 to be considered. The deadline to nominate is Friday, August 19. 

For more information, call (914) 934-5250 or email