Susan Serino

January 18, 2022

ALBANY, NY – Senator Sue Serino today released the statement below in response to the Governor’s recently released Executive Budget Proposal: 

“The Governor's Budget Proposal consists of record spending thanks to an influx of federal aid and higher than anticipated tax receipts. Unlike her predecessor, Governor Hochul seems to at least be making an attempt to responsibly plan for the future and avoid a fiscal cliff that could come with this surplus. While I am encouraged to see that, and glad to see funding included to support initiatives I have been pushing, like fully funding and expanding the Vet2Vet Program, the devil is always in the details when it comes to any state budget. More must be done to provide immediate tax relief to struggling families and battered small businesses. 

I am hearing from neighbors every day who are fed up with the rising costs, increases in crime and government overreach that have come with one-party control that dominates Albany. This budget is a chance for the Governor to reset state priorities and hold the line on issues that are sending New Yorkers packing. As we move forward with the state budget process, I will be working tirelessly to ensure that the voices of our neighbors are heard and the needs of our community met.”
