Statement by Senator George Borrello on NYSERDA Feasibility Study
January 3, 2023

ALBANY – Senator George Borrello heralded a recently released report by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on the feasibility of placing wind turbines in the Great Lakes.
The report found a lack of benefits to these potential projects, noting, “Great Lakes Wind currently does not offer a unique, critical or cost-effective contribution toward the achievement of New York State’s Climate Act goals beyond what more cost-competitive programs are expected to deliver…”
In response to the findings, Senator Borrello made the following statement:
"I am encouraged that after nearly two years of intense study and stakeholder engagement on the environmental, economic and social issues surrounding the potential siting of wind turbines in Lakes Erie and Ontario, the commission members came to essentially the same assessment that opponents of this effort have advanced all along: the risks, costs and uncertainties are too great and the possible benefits too little to make a compelling case for these projects.
“I am grateful to the Citizens Against Wind Turbines in Lake Erie (CAWTILE) and every organization and individual that rallied with us, testified at hearings, wrote letters and lobbied their representatives on this issue. Together, our perspectives helped inform NYSERDA’s findings and the strength of our advocacy made our opposition impossible to ignore. The voices of an educated, determined group of citizens can make a difference. I applaud those who stood with me on this and refused to give up.
“The fact that this study came to its conclusions despite a commission that consisted almost entirely of pro-green energy advocates should get the attention of those who have been pushing this agenda. Not all forms of renewable energy are worthwhile or make sense. I hope that is a takeaway that the Governor and my colleagues in the Senate and Assembly will heed as efforts to rush headlong into more draconian energy ‘solutions’ gain steam. The politically-driven agendas of the past four years have accelerated the exodus out of New York State. It is time to return common sense to the halls of Albany. This is a good start, but we have more work ahead.”
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