Statement on NYC Asylum Seekers’ Arrival to Monroe County

Senator Cooney Statement

“We are working closely with Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ administration to safely accommodate asylum seekers arriving from NYC to Rochester. We respect the hardship of their journey to the United States, especially for young families and children. 

The Greater Rochester community has a proud history of welcoming immigrants and refugees and we will ensure today’s asylum seekers are treated with respect and dignity. 

As a State Senator, I am concerned by the lack of required resources needed to support this wave of asylum seekers across New York. Mass transportation of families to cities across our state will overwhelm already stressed social systems, especially in Rochester where too many of our residents are challenged by poverty. 

As an Asian immigrant turned proud U.S citizen, I hope to see a more comprehensive plan for the care of these asylum seekers from our state and federal partners. These families need love and an opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”
