Senator Mannion’s Legislation To Help Child Protective Services Workers And Mandatory Reporters Identify Abuse Of Children With Intellectual Or Developmental Disabilities Is Signed Into Law
SYRACUSE, NY – Senator John W. Mannion today announced his legislation (S6463-A) has been signed into law to help Child Protective Services (CPS) workers and mandatory reporters with identifying cases of abuse of children with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD.)
The new law requires the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to develop and update a statewide training program for CPS workers and mandatory reporters on the unique challenges faced by children with I/DD, as well as the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect in this population.
Senator John W. Mannion, Chairman of the Senate Disabilities Committee said, “This bill keeps our most vulnerable kids safe by ensuring that CPS workers and mandatory reporters know what to look for and how to respond when there is neglect, mistreatment, or abuse of a child with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities. I thank my Senate colleagues for their unanimous support for this bill and for the Governor’s continued partnership in strengthening services and protections for New Yorkers with disabilities.”
Senator Mannion introduced the legislation to help prevent any future situation like the tragic death of 17-year-old Jordan Brooks in Oswego County in 2021. Jordan weighed only 55 pounds and died from severe abuse and neglect.
Cases involving children with I/DD can be challenging, especially when the child may be non-verbal or have a diagnosis that includes significant physical challenges. Senator Mannion’s bill will provide workers and mandatory reporters with the tools they need to identify and respond to abuse and neglect of a child with I/DD as part of their required training through OCFS.
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