Historic Visit: Delegation from the Senate of the Dominican Republic to visit the New York Senate on May 17, 2023

Rusking Pimentel

May 16, 2023

New York - The Senate of the State of New York will receive a visit from an official delegation from the Senate of the Dominican Republic, headed by the President of the Upper Chamber, Eduardo Estrella. This is a historic meeting, as it marks the first time a Dominican Senate president has been invited to the New York Senate.

The delegation, composed of distinguished senators, will participate in a series of meetings and events with the aim of promoting exchange and collaboration between the two legislative bodies.

Coordinated by Senator Alexis Victoria Yeb from the Dominican Republic and Senator Luis Sepúlveda from New York, this visit represents a significant step in strengthening the ties between the Dominican Republic and Dominican residents in New York. New York, which is home to the largest Dominican population outside the country, holds a special place in the hearts and minds of the delegation members.

This momentous visit follows another historic event when a delegation from the New York Senate visited the Senate of the Dominican Republic in August 2022. The exchange of ideas and experiences between both legislative bodies highlights the mutual recognition of their importance for Dominicans living both in the Dominican Republic and abroad.

The delegation's agenda will encompass various activities aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration. Senate President Eduardo Estrella will deliver a lecture where he will share ideas and perspectives with members of the New York State Senate. Additionally, working meetings will be held to promote the exchange of legislative practices and ideas. A notable moment of the visit will be the reception of a historic resolution commemorating the visit of the President of the Senate of the Dominican Republic to Albany, the capital and seat of the New York Senate.

The delegation will also participate in meetings with prominent dignitaries, including the honorable Ambassador Sonia Guzmán, the guest of honor of the New York Senate, Congressman Adriano Espaillat, and the Dominican Consul General, Eligio Jáquez. Additionally, visits to the Dominican Consulate in New York City and meetings with the Secretary of State of New York and other members of the Executive Branch are scheduled. These encounters will further strengthen diplomatic ties and promote collaboration between both nations.

The official visit of the Dominican Senate is scheduled for May 17, 2023. The delegation is composed of distinguished senators representing various provinces, political parties, and presiding over prominent committees in the Upper Chamber of the Dominican Republic. The list of senators in the delegation is as follows:

Ing. Eduardo Estrella - Honorable President of the Senate

Alexis Victoria Yeb - Senator of María Trinidad Sánchez Province and President of the Industry and Commerce Committee

Dionis Sánchez - Senator of Pedernales Province and Spokesperson for the "Fuerza del Pueblo" (FP) Party

José Del Castillo Saviñón - Senator of Barahona Province for the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and President of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee

Carlos Manuel Gómez - Senator of Espaillat Province and President of the Committee for Dominicans Residing Abroad

Lenin Valdez López - Senator of Monte Plata Province and President of the Sports Committee

Ramón Pimentel Gómez - Senator of Montecristi Province and President of the Ethics Committee

Senator Luis Sepúlveda and the entire New York Senate extend a warm welcome to the delegation from the Senate of the Dominican Republic. This historic visit lays the foundation for deeper collaboration and understanding between the two legislative bodies, further strengthening the bonds between the Dominican Republic and New York.