Senate Republican Conference Unveils Plan To Create A More Affordable New York

In response to a fiscally troubling state budget proposal that continues uncontrolled state spending, Senator Mario R. Mattera (2nd Senate District) joined with New York State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt and members of the Republican Conference to unveil their vision to provide relief and create “A More Affordable New York.” This is one of several impactful initiatives being proposed as part of the conference’s Rescue New York Agenda.

As the needs of everyday New Yorkers continue to be ignored, with the same old tax and spend policies, the Senate Republican Conference is putting forward real solutions to help the middle class and build a stronger economy statewide.

“While the budget presented by Governor Hochul will increase costs on our already struggling residents, this plan makes reducing costs for New Yorkers the goal. Proposals like banning fuel choice for our families and increasing costs on businesses may satisfy idealogues but they will do real damage to our economy. It is important that our state accepts reality, and that is why I am proud to stand with my Senate Republican Conference colleagues today to call on Governor Hochul to utilize our blueprint to help all of our residents and protect our state’s collective future,” said Senator Mattera.

“We are here today to show New Yorkers that there are people in Albany who hear them. We have actionable, achievable solutions to make our state affordable again. The policies coming from the Hochul Administration and her allies on the left aren’t just wrong, they are irresponsibly out of touch with reality and they’re driving people out of the state. While hundreds of thousands of middle class families are struggling to afford everyday necessities, the Democrats led by Kathy Hochul are prioritizing $300 million for individuals who are here illegally. While seniors on fixed incomes worry about their heating bills, they’re moving to ban fossil fuel hook-ups to new and existing buildings and drive costs up even further,” said Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt.

The Republican Conference specifically called out several Executive Budget proposals that would exacerbate New York State’s lack of affordability, including:

  • Eliminating enhanced Medicaid payments to local governments, which would create enormous pressure to increase local property taxes;
  • Increasing unemployment insurance taxes on already struggling small businesses and farms;
  • Further increasing payroll taxes in the MTA region; and
  • Siphoning hundreds of millions of dollars in state money into New York City to pay for the settlement of illegal immigrants.


In contrast, the Senate Republicans’ “A More Affordable New York” initiative will put money back into the pockets of taxpayers and make our state affordable once again as families continue to struggle with rising costs due to record high inflation, including: 

  • Eliminating costly unfunded mandates that drive up local property taxes;
  • Protecting businesses from unemployment insurance tax hikes by creating an Unemployment Insurance Solvency Reserve Fund and repealing the interest assessment surcharge, which is the assessment on businesses to pay back the UI Trust Fund’s deficit;
  • Repealing Congestion Pricing; and
  • Providing relief from heating costs geared toward the middle class.

“New Yorkers have been shouldering the burden of Albany’s fiscal irresponsibility for far too long. Unfunded mandates from above bear down on our local governments in Nassau County and across our state. These edicts are always implemented without any community input and then, in turn, end up raising our property taxes and increasing our cost of living, which eventually drives hard-working taxpayers out of our state. I stand firmly against the elimination of enhanced Medicaid payments that our local governments should be receiving. Eliminating this would put further pressure on our municipalities to raise local property taxes. Our job in state government is to alleviate the financial stress that our constituents are enduring. Packing on more costs from Albany furthering their financial strain is not the answer,” said Senator Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick.

My constituents continue to feel overburdened by the cost of living, by the cost of doing business, and by the everyday challenges of being a taxpayer in New York State. During this legislative session, we must take decisive action that relieves taxpayers, working families, seniors, farmers, and small businesses. Inaction will only drive more people to leave New York State,” said Senator Pam Helming, Chair of the Republican Conference.

“The fact is that New Yorkers shoulder the highest taxes of anyone in the country yet nothing works – our roads and bridges are among the worst, our test scores are among the lowest, our electric grid and water infrastructure are stressed to breaking and our trains don’t run on time. No wonder more and more of our neighbors have left. Our Senate Republican plan pushes back on years of Democrat mismanagement, offers relief to middle class New Yorkers, and offers hope that better days are ahead,” said Senator Jack Martins, Vice Chair of the Senate Republican Conference.

Governor Hochul has shown once again that her priorities are in line with special interest groups and not hard working, law abiding, tax paying New Yorkers. The Governor's recent budget proposal increases spending by billions of dollars but delivers very little in terms of relief for struggling New York families. In fact, many of her climate change policies will result in families having to spend tens of thousands of dollars that they don't have, just to bring their homes into compliance. The Governor’s proposals are anything but affordable and will continue to send New Yorkers fleeing to other states in record numbers. The Senate Republican Conference has a plan, entitled, ‘A More Affordable New York,’ that uses common sense solutions to deliver, not just relief for struggling families and businesses, but hope for a brighter, stronger future for New York,” said Senator Dean Murray.

“Instead of providing relief to families, seniors and small businesses who are being crushed by the state’s high taxes and rising costs, the governor’s budget exacerbates these issues, which will inevitably result in more residents fleeing New York State and a continued affordability crisis created by out-of-touch politicians,” said Senator Anthony Palumbo.

“It’s no mystery why New Yorkers are fleeing our state. Democrats continue the familiar pattern of reckless spending and high taxes designed to punish Long Islanders and suburban residents and businesses. I am happy to work with my Senate Republican colleagues to come up with an actionable plan that makes New York more affordable for middle-class families. Taxpayers deserve to have their voices heard, and our initiative will put money back into their pockets and help make our state affordable once again,” said Senator Steven Rhoads.

“My constituents are struggling with increased costs and record inflation, and many are tightening their belts in order to make ends meet. But the bloated Executive Budget proposal continues to spend too much, tax too much, and does nothing to ease the burden for our residents. Long Islanders will be hit particularly hard by the unfair congestion pricing plan and the MTA payroll tax. Our Senate Republican conference understands that New Yorkers need relief, and the plan we are unveiling today will help provide that relief and make New York more affordable for all,” said Senator Alexis Weik.