Hinchey Statement on Central Hudson Independent Monitor and Monthly Billing

Michelle Hinchey

July 29, 2023

Senator Michelle Hinchey

KINGSTON, NY – Senator Michelle Hinchey released the following statement regarding an announcement by the Public Service Commission (PSC) that Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has agreed to pay for an independent monitor to verify and correct billing errors through June 2024, as well as switch to monthly meter readings beginning in December 2024 – actions Hinchey has championed on behalf of Hudson Valley residents:

Senator Michelle Hinchey said, “For nearly two years, my office, collectively with other local officials, has fought to hold Central Hudson accountable, and I’m proud that because of our work to initiate the PSC’s investigation into the Company’s billing practices, we have helped drive the concrete actions we are seeing today. Still, I will be going back to Albany in January to pass my bill to ban estimated billing once and for all, and while I would like to see the end of this practice sooner, the commitments made are important steps forward to getting our residents back on track and receiving the level of service and transparency they deserve from their utility company. My office will be closely monitoring to ensure these corrective measures and deadlines are honored.”

In the State Senate, Hinchey has led the charge to increase equity in utility company billing and transparency, including her legislation to end estimated billing (S1851A), which passed the Senate unanimously in the 2023 Legislative Session. Hinchey also sponsors legislation with Assemblymember Jonathan Jacobson (S4234A) to prevent utility companies from charging customers if they send a bill over two months late. The bill also requires companies to send a two-year history of past charges with each bill so customers can compare past usage and confirm that they are being billed accurately. A third bill sponsored by Hinchey in the Senate and Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha in the Assembly (S7294/A7074) would empower the PSC – for the first time since 1986 – to increase penalties on utility companies by 272% should they violate laws and regulations while indexing penalties to inflation moving forward.
