Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick Responds to One-House Budget Resolution

Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick released the following statement in response to the One-House budget resolution:

“This week, the Senate Democrat Majority released their one-house budget which outlines their priorities for this year’s budget. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, the advocacy of everyday New Yorkers fell upon deaf ears. New York State hangs in the balance right now as we struggle to work through several crises – most notably, the affordability as well as the public safety crisis – and yet the Senate Democrats’ proposal is glaringly absent of policies that will make our state safer, stronger, and more affordable. They’ve proven once again that they have no interest in addressing the real issues that New Yorkers face, and we will all have to pay for it.

This one-house budget proposes that we add billions in state spending – $9 billion more than the Governor’s proposal – without any mention of providing relief from our incredible tax burden, protecting struggling small businesses, or aiding municipalities that are being crushed under the weight of unfunded mandates. As a homeowner, small business owner, and former trustee in the Village of Malverne, I understand very intimately the financial difficulty that Albany imposes upon us at all levels; somehow, the Senate Majority finds it appropriate to exacerbate it further and risk losing even more of our tax base to more affordable states.

Furthermore, this one-house budget takes a backwards approach to the public safety crisis that has been affecting us all. Not only did the Senate Majority reject every measure that may provide some reprieve from the disaster wrought upon our cities and suburbs by bail reform, but they also opted to include Clean Slate so that even the most serious offenders will have their criminal records sealed. It is unfair to every victim who has yet to receive justice, and it is a mockery of our criminal justice and judicial system as a whole.

With this budget proposal, the Senate Majority indubitably confirmed their belief that New Yorkers are content with the prospect of dealing with more crime, minor accountability, and less money in their pockets. It is a display of blatant disregard for the genuine struggles of the taxpayers. I emphatically voted against this budget proposal. I and the Senate Republican Conference will continue to advocate for a safer, stronger, more affordable, and more free New York throughout this budget process.”