Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of April 24, 2023
Jim Ranney
May 1, 2023
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S6454 REDISTRICTING Establishes 150 assembly districts for the 2024 elections and subsequent elections. Vacancies in the office of Assembly shall be filled using the boundaries existing prior to this bill's enactment through January 1, 2025, at which time vacancies shall be filled using the new boundaries established by this act. NOTE - The map was drawn after a court order - Paul Nichols et al v. Governor Kathy Hochul. AYE
S6480 PROGRAM BILL - Provides for emergency appropriation through April 28, 2023 for the support of government. AYE
S3419A Establishes the bottle redemption fraud task force to provide the governor and the legislature with information on the fraud, enforcement, and reporting requirements related to the New York state returnable container act. AYE
S4304 Provides that credits for excess electricity generated by customer-generators subject to net energy metering by an electric corporation or the Long Island power authority may be carried over indefinitely and used against any charges imposed by an electric corporation or the Long Island power authority when the customer-generator uses more electricity than such customer generates; provides for the accounting of credits once every 5 years and the electric corporation or Long Island power authority shall reimburse the customer-generator for the accumulated credits. AYE
S4636 This bill would amend section 277 of the General Municipal Law, as added by chapter 626 of the laws of 1991 to includes lakes in the Adopt-A-Municipal Park, Shoreline, Roadway or Lake Programs. AYE
S992A Adds provisions to the environmental conservation law to ban the sale and distribution of PFAS chemicals in anti-fogging sprays and wipes, provide for product labeling, and sets violations punishable by civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars for the first violation; further violations not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for each violation. AYE
S1538A Prohibits the use of drilling fluids and flowback water from wells, pools or fields on any highway for any purpose including but not limited to de-icing or dust suppression. AYE
S4198 Enacts the "New York wildlife crossing act"; directs the department of transportation to identify sites along all highways, thruways and parkways in the state where wildlife crossings are most needed to increase public safety and improve habitat connectivity and create a priority list of wildlife opportunity areas where federal grant monies may be available to implement the top five projects identified. NAY (Cost outweighs benefit.)
S5331 Expands the food donation and food scraps recycling program by scaling down the annual average tonnage requirement every two years until 2027; removes exceptions regarding recycler capacity. NAY (Could impose increases in operational costs for covered food scraps generators.)
S5512 Establishes a new section of the Public Health law to require covered public water systems to submit a service line inventory that identifies the location, material composition, and any other detail of all service lines connected to its distribution system for the purpose of identifying leaded pipes and/or material to the NYS DOH. NAY (Duplication of requirements by EPA.)
S1535 This bill requires that any parking facility owned and/or operated by the State of New York which has between 50 and 250 parking spots install electric charging stations in at least ten percent of the total parking spaces. The bill requires that any parking facility owned and/or operated by the State of New York with more than 250 parking spots install electric charging stations in at least 20 percent of the total parking spaces. The bill provides minimum technical requirements for each vehicle charging station. NAY (Excessive/unknown cost)
S1688 This bill would expand the authority of the Department of Economic Development (DED) to fund demonstration projects that include the reuse of waste tires in the agricultural setting. DED would also be authorized to conduct market analysis on ways to reuse waste tires. AYE
S1725A This act will reclassify class C waterways as streams for the purpose of protection. Class "C" waterways, which are regularly used by people for boating, fishing, and other activities, are not currently afforded the protection that is provided to waterways classified as streams. A PRINT - Provides that soil and water conservation districts do not require permits with respect to the section so long as said districts have entered into a written memorandum of understanding with the department establishing the plan of operation to be followed to afford proper protection to the public beneficial uses of such water courses. NAY
S4859A Enacts the New York deforestation-free procurement act requiring that companies contracting with the state do not contribute to tropical or boreal intact forest degradation or deforestation directly or through their supply chains. A PRINT - makes changes to the definition section. NAY (Will have a significant impact on costs for the state to procure wood and wood products.)
S264 Establishes an emergency evacuation plan for individuals with disabilities; establishes $500 fine for failure to comply with such plan within one year of the effective date. AYE
S2196 This bill increases penalties for landlords who are in violation of the uniform fire prevention and building code who have failed to comply with an order to remedy. Under this legislation a property owner would have at most 14 days to remedy the problem before incurring fines. NAY
S3334 Requires the State Fire Prevention and Building Code to be revised to allow municipalities to allow for tents to be used for outdoor dining for longer than the current limit of 180 days. AYE
S2599 Directs the Commissioner of Education to establish a task force to examine appropriate and effective evidence-based dyslexia and dysgraphia screening methods, reading interventions, and other educational supports for students in kindergarten through grade five. AYE
S5163 Designates services to be provided by a jail-based substance use disorder treatment, peer led recovery support services, and transition services program as essential medical care services. AYE
S1319 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - Would reform the coverage requirements and medical necessity determinations for medically fragile children. It would expand the definition of medically fragile children and expand coverage required for them. Additionally, the original bill shifts the duties and responsibilities of unqualified agents and a significant change in the level of deference to providers. The changes in the original law would have substantial financial and systemic impacts in the industry. NOTE - enabling legislation established the definition of "medically fragile child". AYE
S1999 This bill would authorize direct interstate and intrastate shipments of cider to individuals. Shipments to individuals would be limited to no more than 36 cases(or nine liters) per year. Orders by a person under 21 years of age would be prohibited. AYE
S2863 This bill would amend section 862 of the general municipal law, to prohibit the provision of financial assistance from an industrial development agency, to an economic development project, unless it can be proven that such project will have a "regionally significant" economic impact. NAY (This bill would severely restrict the ability of an IDA to provide any financial support to an economic development project.)
S1693 This bill would create a program to expand internet access to underserved populations, including low income households, seniors, veterans, minorities, and rural populations. AYE
S5889 Provides that an automobile insurer may waive the inspection of a private passenger automobile prior to providing physical damage coverage. AYE
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