Steven D. Rhoads

March 28, 2023

ALBANY, NY – Senator Rhoads and Members of the Senate Republican Conference today advocated for their plan to create a more free New York State. The plan includes standing up for New Yorkers’ constitutional rights, doing away with excessive government overreach, and restoring the people’s faith in their government by increasing accountability and transparency. A more free New York is a core tenet of the Senate Republicans Rescue New York 2023 agenda, unveiled earlier this year. Each year, New York loses hundreds of thousands of residents to out migration as they relocate to states that are safer, affordable and free from governmental overreach.

Senator Rhoads said, “Kathy Hochul and Albany Democrats have made New Yorkers less safe, less prosperous and less free. The American Dream in New York is being stifled by radical Democrat policies causing hard-working New Yorkers to flee the Empire State in record numbers because of soaring taxes, increased crime, and burdensome regulations and endless mandates on everything from vaccines to personal safety to even housing. New Yorkers are abandoning the place they have called home in favor of states with more freedoms and less government control on their daily life. I’m proud to stand with my Senate Republican colleagues to unveil our common-sense plan to make New York more free, transparent, and accountable to the taxpayers we are elected to serve.”

“New Yorkers deserve to live in a state where they are free – free to walk down safe streets, free to make the choices they feel are best for their families, free to decide how to heat their home and cook their food, free to exercise their constitutional rights, and free from crushing taxes and overreaching government that hampers their quality of life. We lose more and more New Yorkers every year to other states – we need to reverse the trend of big government and burdensome mandates and create a state that is freer, safer, and more affordable,” said Deputy Senate Republican Leader Andrew Lanza.

A More Free New York

Several proposals in the Rescue NY Legislative agenda unveiled by Senate Republicans earlier this year focus on solutions that will create a more free New York State:

  • Retaining local control and standing up against excessive government overreach – proposals from Albany bureaucrats continue to attempt to supersede local control. This outrageous housing proposal would take control of local zoning out of the hands of municipalities and force burdensome mandates from Albany that would seriously deteriorate the quality of life in communities throughout New York State
  • Protecting private property rights by opposing so-called “Good Cause Eviction” legislation.
  • Promoting parental rights by ensuring school officials are transparent, communicate properly, and include parents in decisions regarding their child and standing up for school choice to empower families to make education choices that work best for their children.
  • Upholding the state and federal constitutional rights of New Yorkers and opposing unnecessary and inappropriate government mandates.
  • Restoring accountability and transparency in state government and improving oversight by fully restoring the ability of the State Comptroller to review state contracts, limiting the use of messages of necessity and removing non-fiscal matters from being rammed into the state budget