Senator Steve Rhoads Recognizes Women of Distinction in his Senate District

Steven D. Rhoads

November 16, 2023

Senator Steve Rhoads Recognizes Women of Distinction in his Senate District

State Senator Steve Rhoads honored 20 women who have made a meaningful impact in his Senate District at his inaugural Women of Distinction ceremony on Thursday, October 26th at the Plainview-Old Bethpage Library. This ceremony provided a terrific opportunity to recognize 20 women who made a difference in our area and gave the Senator a chance to thank them for all the pride and joy they bring to our communities. The event aimed to serve as a beacon of hope for younger women to follow in their footsteps. The honorees marched into the packed auditorium as the pipe band played and the audience roared with applause. Brownie Troop 3000 & Daisy Troop 3252 from Charles Campagne Elementary School in Bethpage led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Local orchestra and choral students from Division Avenue High School in Levittown performed at the ceremony as well as young ladies from 5678 Dance Studio in Levittown. Geri Barish, a five-time cancer survivor and Long Island Breast Cancer activist, offered words of encouragement to the honorees as the ceremonies keynote speaker and reminded everyone of the importance of setting goals and pushing ourselves to reach our highest potential. The honorees bios were read and then Senator Rhoads presented each of the honorees with their Women of Distinction award. He thanked them for their tireless efforts to make our community a better place for all and recognized their lasting contributions. Senator Rhoads welcomed the honorees and their guests to light refreshments after the ceremony to celebrate their exceptional successes.

Senator Rhoads said, “My inaugural Women of Distinction ceremony was truly an experience to remember! It was so meaningful and impactful to be surrounded by such inspiring, strong, and courageous women. There was a profound sense of unity and camaraderie as we celebrated the tremendous accomplishments of each woman. These women have been at the forefront of industry, education, volunteerism, faith, law enforcement, and the non-profit sector, and their accomplishments have been an inspiration to us all. It was a privilege to honor these 20 extraordinary women whose leadership and achievements have made a lasting impact on our community. Congratulations to all of our 2023 Women of Distinction honorees and thank you for your steadfast hard work and dedication to making our world a better place.”